Chapter 14

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Hello again!! Here's another chapter for you all :)


Beatrice's small, blue Ford pulled into the lot a little past 9:30.

She stepped out with her purse and a smile, strutting her way over to me. I tried my best to keep my eyes on her face, but couldn't help but indulge...her legs wiggled slightly when she walked, as well as her stomach and chest, and I could only imagine what she looked like from behind...

"Hey," I cleared my throat. She stopped in front of me and her smile grew bigger.

"Hey, Sniper. How are you?" Beatrice let her purse fall down to her elbow, then into her palm. I turned around and opened the main door to the clubhouse for her.

"Same old," I smirked. She stepped in and immediately spotted Maya. Beatrice rushed over and struck up a conversation and was soon joined by Jasmine, who seemed ecstatic to see her. I could see Beatrice's smile slowly slipping away as Jasmine felt her neck to do a checkup.

"That's enough," I scowled as I walked into the group's conversation.

"I'm just making sure she's okay," Jasmine scowled back. Beatrice slowly removed her hands from her neck and squeezed them with a thankful smile.

"I appreciate it, but I promise I'm okay. Trust me, my dad has been taking care of me," Beatrice said. Both Maya and Jasmine nodded. Pres entered the room, his eyes drifting around until they landed on Maya.

"I'll be right in with you guys," I muttered. They took that tone of dismissal and left me alone with Pres, who was raising his eyebrows. He knew what was coming.

"Pres, I know it's risky," I started.

"No, no. You don't understand," Pres interrupted. "If it had happened to Maya, I would feel the way you're feeling right now, but we can't put the club at risk for a hit like that."

"If it was Maya you would have already taken him out," I scowled. Pres lifted a finger to interrupt me, but I didn't stop.

"Hypocrisy doesn't suit you, Pres. I will run everything by you every step of the way. I have to kill that motherfucker," I insisted. He shoved his tongue in the side of his cheek and crossed his arms.

"You aren't going on the run. I'm going to be updated every step of the way, but you are staying the hell out of it. That's the only way," he warned. I blinked, taking a moment to process, then crossed my arms back.

"I'll take what I can get. Can I be informed afterwards?"

"Yes, but don't ask until then. I'll let you know," he answered.

"I want in," a voice came from behind me. Pres' eyes drifted in that direction and widened in surprise.

"The hell you are thinking listening to club business?" Pres took a step forward. I turned around to face Beatrice and blocked Pres with my back. He hated interference and the possibility of the club going down. Right now, Beatrice was a threat to him.

"You shouldn't have done that," I told Beatrice with a frown.

"I want to do it. I deserve to do it," she argued.

"Not the right time or way to do this," I interjected. She looked at Pres and stepped forward.

"Do you have an office we can talk about this in?" Beatrice asked quietly. To my surprise, Pres stopped pushing and nodded before leading the way down the hall.

When I went to follow him, he put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"You won't be updated, remember?" His hand rested on my shirt for a second more before dropping. I nodded and watched with a clenched jaw as Pres led Beatrice to the office. I didn't care that she wanted to take care of Travis—it made sense to me, to be honest—but the thought of putting her in harm's way had me twitching to ignore Pres' order.

"Hey, where'd B go?" Maya scurried into the room. She blew a piece of hair away from her face and crossed her arms.

"Pres is talking to her in your office. You get the paperwork figured out?" I blinked slowly and glanced back down the hallway.

"Yeah! Beatrice is a genius. I want to talk to Mike about hiring her part-time," Maya smiled, "she's a keeper."

"Don't I know it," I muttered underneath my breath. I turned my head towards the oven and caught a glimpse of the clock. Almost ten o'clock. Beatrice had figured out the papers that quickly?

"Hey!" Maya greeted Beatrice. I glanced over in surprise, but I didn't blink, trying to examine both Beatrice and Pres' faces. They gave nothing away.

"Beatrice, I haven't talked to Mike about this, but would you be willing to work here part time? We can discuss pay and hours another day, but everything will be extremely flexible," Maya said. There was a hint of pleading in her tone.

Pres glanced over in surprise, but when I turned to him, he shrugged. Queenie had gotten her way without even asking.

"Uh," Beatrice's eyes slowly moved over to me, "can I think about it?"

"Of course," Maya assured with a smile and quickly struck up a conversation with a different topic.

"I'll take you home," I offered when they grew quiet a second later. She nodded, wrapped her purse tighter around her, then gave Maya a hug. She said her goodbyes to Pres, earning a very impressive handshake from him, and forced her arm in between mine and my chest.

I wrapped my arm around her, glad she was initiating physical contact, and walked her to her car. I waited until she'd unlocked the door and beat her hand to the handle to open the car door for her.

"Let me grab my bike, then I'll follow you to your house," I said softly. She nodded and plopped into her car, starting it before I'd even shut her door. As soon as I mounted my bike she was pulling her car in front of me and pulling away once she'd seen my headlight turn on.

The drive to her house was brief and calm. I pulled to the side of the road near her driveway and cut my bike off quickly so I didn't wake her father. I waited patiently as she got out and, unexpectedly, jogged over to my bike.

"Hey," Beatrice greeted with a burst of warm air, "let me take you out tomorrow."

"What?" Was all my mouth could form in the moment. She smiled and place her hand against my cheek in a way of affection I hadn't experienced since I was young. I held myself from melting on the ground and kept eye contact.

"I have somewhere I want to take you," Beatrice giggled. I could only focus on her hand on my cheek.

"Okay," I breathed.

"Be ready at five!" she removed her hand and the loss of contact shocked me out of my hypnotic state.

"Wait—five in the morning?" I yelled in shock. Beatrice turned around to wave at me, still giggling, before opening her front door. Waking up early in the morning was Rooster's job, not mine.

But I couldn't wait to wake up to the color of yellow.


I have the rest of the series all planned out, and I'm more excited than ever!!

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