Chapter 10

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So sorry it's been this long! I'm going to try to bust out some chapters soon!


"Psst! Sniper," someone whispered.

I swatted their hand away and rolled over until my face was in the pillow.

"Sniper!" I grabbed the pillow from the other side of my bed and used it to cover my ears. It did nothing and was ripped away from me a few seconds later.

"What?" I groaned into my soft pillow.

"You slept through dinner—well, and lunch." Was that Beatrice's voice? I turned my head slightly, opened one eye, and sighed at the sight of Beatrice.

"What time is it?"

"Almost seven o'clock," she whispered. "They're having a party downstairs."

"Fuck," I sighed. I tossed the pillow back into its original position and rubbed my eyes. That nap had been damn good. I didn't feel like leaving.

"Your stomach has been grumbling for the past thirty minutes," Beatrice laughed. I shot her a short glare, followed by a smirk before sitting up. My thigh throbbed in protest, but I didn't let a wince cover my face for long.

"Do you have medicine you can take?" Her tone turned serious. I glanced at her to see concern in her eyes and on her face.

"I'm good," I said, and to prove my words to be true I swung my legs over the side of the bed. "What are they having a damn party for?" I asked myself aloud.

"It's someone's birthday," she said quietly. Beatrice climbed off of the bed and came around to my side of the bed, still in my pajama shirt and some of Maya's pants. I stood to greet her and was quickly met with my face on the floor.

"Oh my god," Beatrice crouched down next to me, "are you alright?"

"Fine," I scowled and pulled myself back up onto my bed. My leg was worse than throbbing now. I'd overworked the damn thing.

"You have crutches? Use those!" She spotted them underneath my bed and yanked them out.

"I don't need them," I answered. "Just give me a minute."

"You're annoyingly stubborn," she whispered, but her smile showed that she wasn't actually mad.

"Let's talk about why you came here," I muttered. Her smile quickly disappeared. "By the time we're done, my leg should be good to go." Hopefully she wasn't mad at me after I explained more.

"Um," she took a step away from me and clenched her hands together. Did I push too far?

"It's okay. We don't have to. Can I ask some questions, though?" I asked as gently as I could. She nodded and unclenched her hands.

"Do you have your phone?" She sat down next to me, still a bit far away, and nodded again.

"Would you be willing to let your dad know that you're safe, at least? We can't have the police on our asses again," I tried to joke. She bit her lip and walked over to my dresser where I hadn't even seen her phone lying.

"What do I say?" Beatrice's voice got considerably smaller. I patted the spot next to me and she sat closer this time.

"You're safe, and you'll come home soon," I answered. she typed and sent it quickly before tossing it back on the dresser and picking up the crutches.

"I don't want to wait for a response," she held the crutches out to me, "get your ass up. I'm hungry."

"No," I whined, happy to see her mood back up. I didn't want to use the crutches especially at an Angels' party.

"Compromise; just use one, okay?" She set the other one on the floor and slid it back under her bed. I sighed and took the one crutch from her and focused on standing while she ran into my bathroom and tied her hair up.

When she came back, I squinted my eyes at her.

"Where did your bruises go?" I asked. She looked at me in surprise, then genuine shock.

"You just now noticed?" Beatrice's voice got higher.

"Yeah—what the hell?" I pointed at her neck. She turned to face the door and sighed before opening it.

"It's makeup, dumbass. Let's go eat." I started to follow her down the hall, then down the staircase, and into the riot. Most of the men were in the bar, but there were a few club whores on their knees and loud music blaring everywhere.

"Shit," I grimaced at Rampage and the woman on his knees before him. Rooster had one in front of him as well, but they were...arguing? I didn't even want to know about.

There weren't that many people in the kitchen, maybe two men, and they left as soon as we arrived.

"I'm going to make a sandwich. Want one?" I asked and moved my one crutch over to the cabinets to pull out some bread. She drifted to the food set out for the party—burgers, hotdogs, and chips.

"I'll stick with this," she answered. "We eating upstairs or down here?"

"I'll meet you upstairs," I answered. She nodded and took her food in one hand a drink in the other before slowly trailing up the stairs. I left my plate on the counter and limped into the bar.

"Whose birthday is it?" I spotted Blade tipsy on a bar stool.

"Snake's." he drawled and took a sip of his beer. A long string of shouts came from the pool table and I turned to go get my food.

My throbbing leg wanted nothing to do with this party. Plus, I had a hot ass woman waiting for me upstairs.

I grabbed a bottle of soda from the fridge and my plate before beginning the painstakingly long trip up the stairs. I was actually out of breath by the time I got up there and eyed the meds on my dresser before glancing at Beatrice. The burger was in her mouth while she sat on the bed.

"You get any crumbs on my bed you're cleaning them up," I scowled at her, but she just smiled back.

"I'm the one sleeping here. I'll deal with it," she smiled.

"Your dad answer you?" I sat down on the couch, set my soda down, and took a bite of my sandwich.

"Um," Beatrice glanced at her phone on the dresser. "Would you mind checking?" I nodded and wrapped my fingers around her small phone. The screen lit up as I turned it over, and her father's message was longer than the lock-screen preview allowed.

"I can only read the beginning of it," I said quietly. I glanced up to see her biting her lip nervously for a moment before holding her hand out. I stood up to drop her phone softly onto her palm and sat back down, anxiously waiting for a response.

Beatrice's bottom lip fell out of her mouth as her jaw slid open. My knee started bouncing.

"He said he wants to talk to me in person," she whispered. "Nothing else."

"He can come here, but only if you're okay with it," I answered slowly. Her phone sounded with a few typing noises as her fingers flew across the screen. The whoosh sound of the send button echoed through my room right before she threw her phone about a foot away from her on the bed.

"Well, what did you say?" I asked after I'd swallowed the bite of my sandwich I'd taken while she was typing.

"He'll be here tomorrow," she sighed and picked up her meal. "I'm going to need until then to prepare."


I love them so much!

Sniper | Fallen Angels MC #3Where stories live. Discover now