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Everyone had finally finished writing I'm sorry in ten pages, everyone expect Seojun.

I had gone to the restroom after. I was washing my hands when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I dried my hands before pulling out my phone.

It was a text from Jinu asking where I was. I went out of the restroom and replied saying in front of the restroom. He said he was coming.

"Oi" Han Seojun's voice made me jump. "Ya! Didn't I tell you not to scream like that?" I said picking up the phone that had fallen from my hand.

"I called you three times but you didn't reply" he said with his hands in his pocket. "Whatever. Why did you call me?" I said checking my phone again to see if it had any scratch.

"Try doing that?" He said making me look at him. "Do what?" I tilted my head, confused. "That" he did the Okey dokey step a little with his hand.

"Do you mean Okey dokey?" I copied how he danced. "Okey dokey yo! Is that true? YES!" I screamed the last part while dancing. "Whoa! How can you even do this in the hallway?" He said sounding disappointed. That's when I realised people were watching.

"Ya! You are the one who told me to do it!" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Besid-" I was cut off by Jinu's voice "sugar!" Jinu called out from behind me. I turned around to see him walking towards us. From the corner of my eyes I could see Seojun's dumbfounded expression.

"Oh, we meet again" Jinu said as he stopped infront of me, giving his million dollar charming smile. "So you will be attending our school, huh?" Seojun spoke his voice steady and smooth.

Jinu nodded "yeah, I guess I can't leave my sugar alone" he probably joked but Seojun's face hardened as Jinu said that. "So shall we go?" Jinu said looking down at me. I nodded "see you in class Han Seojun" I said to Seojun before walking away with Jinu.

"That guy really hates me" Jinu said as we turned a corner. "Who? Seojun?" I asked confused. "Why would he hate you?" I asked again. "Didn't you see the look on his face?" Jinu was about to explain it like some theory. "Ugh! Forget it. It's nothing" but he stopped.

"What? Come on! Say it. What look?" I asked curious to know what he had seen that I didn't see. "It's nothing. Don't you have class?" He asked successfully changing the topic, because I was distracted. "Oh, shoot! Mr.Han's class. I will see you later, okay?" I said hurrying up my steps. He nodded "and don't run. You will trip" he gave a smile.

"Okay" I said still running but a little slower than before.

Wait! But why had he texted me again? I forgot to ask.

"Are you guys studying hard for your exams?" Said Mr.Han. the class was almost finished. We were just waiting for the bell to ring. "Mr.Han can you reduce the chapters we have to study? Just a bit?" A student spoke up. Everyone started to agree with her and plead to Mr.Han.

"Some of you don't know what it is that you really want. And some of you do know, but you hesitate" Mr.Han started his quote of the day. I could feel someone burning holes at my back. Guess who? Yes, you've guessed it right. Han Seojun.

"But opportunities come without an warning. And you must take the right advantage of it. So in order to seize opportunity, when you see one-" Mr.Han was cut of by Ahn Hyun-Gyu. He got up from his seat "Mr.Han, thank you for your great words. You're the best. Bye" he said and ran away from the classroom.

Everyone else screamed and also ran out of the classroom. So this is how school ended today?

Suho and I were sitting on the station, waiting for our taxi to arrive. He wanted to go home in a taxi today. He was watching some video on his phone while I texted with Jinu.

He was telling me something urgent came and he couldn't hang out today. Also how his mother wants to meet me. Another formal dinner?

From the corner of my eyes I saw Jukyung walking towards us. I looked up and waved at her before going back to my phone. She probably wanted to talk to Suho, cause she was walking towards us with her eyes on him.

"Suho?" She said as she sat down at the empty space left beside Suho. "Yes?" Suho looked up from his phone to her. "Mysterio scenario just released a new book. Do you want to goto prince comic with me?" Jukyung asked. Oh~ a date?

Okay! I didn't want to listen to their conversation. But how can I not when they are sitting literally next to me?

"No" Suho's answer made me frown. Jukyung just said okay. Right then the taxi came. Suho tapped on my shoulder before getting up. "I will see you tomorrow" I said to Jukyung before getting inside the taxi. Suho was already inside it and hadn't closed the door yet. "Jukyung" he called out.

What is he doing? Is he going to take her with us? "Yes" Jukyung said walking up to him. "But the bus will arrive soon" Jukyung was happily about to get in. "I didn't mean for you to get in" Suho stopped her. Aish! Why is he so difficult?

"You told me you wanted better grades. Meet me at the study cafe tomorrow so we can study together" Suho told Jukyung and closed the car door. He had left my mouth hanging open. That's a new way to ask for a date.

"You could've just said it was a date" I said making him look at me. "Date? What do you mean date?" He asked his cold facade dropping in front of me. "You know it's a date. You want to go on a date with her" I smirked. "It's not a date. Beside others are going to be there too" he said looking at his phone.

"Should I stop other from coming then? It will just be the two of you" I offered. He took some time to think which made me think that he was going to agree. "No" but my hopes shattered. "You better not do something" he warned. "Okay, I won't" I rolled my eyes.


Another update!!!!!!!!!!

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