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|°• Han Seojun's POV •°|

It's been half an hour since I am standing here and watching Cho rong and the rest get water balloons thrown at their face. I am sure people who has grudge against them are the ones playing this game.

I don't know why in the world they aren't letting me move from here. I need to look if she has come or not.

Lee Irene,where are you?

My eyes widened at the thought. Why am I waiting for her like this?

I sigh deeply at the thought of her.

One thing I have learnt by spending time with her is that you can't be sad around her. She won't let you with her silly questions, clumsiness and clingy nature.

That woman is the definition of clingy nature. Anyone would think thousand times before grabbing someone's arm or holding someone hand but no! She doesn't even hesitate to do it.

I wonder if she does that to other people too. She doesn't right?

My thoughts were broken when Cho rong screamed something which I didn't understand.

Then I saw someone who was making me wait all this time.

The fairy in the pink dress. Yeah, she definitely is a fairy.

I was shocked to see her coming towards me. And she looked so pretty.

"You saved me" she said as she stood in front of me. "How?" I managed to say, but I was still shocked to see her even though I was literally waiting for her.

"Some boys were about to ask for my number and I told them you are my boyfriend" she smiled sheepishly at me, I could just blink.

I hummed in response. "So how do I look?" She did a little spin. "Pretty" I mumbled without even knowing. "Aww! Thank you!" She poked my shoulder.

"Irene" Cho rong's voice made her turn but I was still looking at hsr . She threw her hand over her mouth "Omo! What are you guys doing?"

"We made our own stall" he replied smiling sheepishly. "And Han Seojun is our board" I scoffed at that. "Now that you have come, we will have more people coming here" he continued.

"I would like to stay here but I need to go and prepare for my performance" performance? What performance?

"Performance?" I said a bit louder than I wanted. "Ya! I am right here you don't have to yell" she narrowed her eyes at me. "And yes performance. I am singing" she said and her phone made a sound.

I watched as she opened her phone with and stared at it with a confused look.

"I have to go" she announced suddenly and ran from there. I called after her but she didn't stop.

"Damn it" I cursed under my breath, annoyed. What came so urgently? Is she in trouble? I hope not.

|°• Irene's POV •°|

I entered the classroom which Jukyung told me only to see Gowoon with makeup with did not look like makeup. "What happened?" I said going close to them.

"I did my makeup and Jukyung eonni is telling me it needs a bit of fixing" Gowoon said not knowing what she had actually done to her face. "Yeah" I nodded unsurely "Jukyung can fix it" I smiled tightly at Jukyung.

She nodded in response "it's my first time doing makeup on someone else's face so let's see how it goes" she said. "I will get ready too" I said and went to get changed.

Now I was on the backstage and my nervousness was kicking in. My hands were getting sweaty as seconds went by. I don't know why I am this nervous. I know I can do it. But there are always but's and if's.

"You will do great" I jumped at Suho's voice. "Don't give me a heart attack before my performance" I said with my hand on my heart. "I am here to wish good luck" he shrugged and patted my head "don't be nervous. Take deep breaths" he took three deep breaths and I copied him, feeling little better than before.

Suho then went to sit. It was time for Gowoon's performance but she was still not here. I had left quickly for some work at the backstage.

Gowoon finally came. And she was looking gorgeous. She looked at me and I gave her a thumbs up "good luck" I yelled.

Gowoon made me fall in love with her voice again. She proved that she deserved her solo. Also Jukyung's makeup skill was really good.

"Lee Irene, your up next" yelled someone and gave me a mic. Shit! Shit! What do I do?

'Deep breath' Suho's voice rang through my mind. I took three deep breaths and went on the stage.

The stage was all black. I don't know what the light department are thinking. Then they opened the curtains.

I was shocked to see that so many people had brought light sticks. I am sure Cho rong is behind this.


Firstly, sorry I didn't update for days. I am currently visiting my grandfather's house.

Secondly, this chapter is short!

I just wanted to update a bit. I think next update will take time because I am going to write after I go home.

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I love ya~

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