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Chapter 64: A Life for A Life, Part 2

Amidst the chaos of battle, the sickening sound of flesh being pierced by a demonic blade cut through the clamor, echoing like a dire omen across the battleground. Mo Xian's keen ears picked up the sound, his heart lurching with dread as he glanced towards the source, his fingers faltering on the strings of his harp.

Meanwhile, Bai Lan, fighting amidst a throng of demons alongside Lan Yang, froze in horror at the unmistakable cry that followed. His eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld Liu Xiao, his comrade-in-arms, gripped in the clutches of peril.

"Liu Xiao!"

The visceral fear that gripped Bai Lan spurred him into action, his movements becoming frenzied as he fought to break through the horde of demons that encircled him. Every strike of his sword was imbued with a desperate fervor, fueled by the urgency of rescuing his fallen comrade.

But as the demons closed in around him, Bai Lan's thoughts became consumed by a singular focus. He forgot all else, even the plight of his injured companion, as he pushed forward with reckless abandon.

"Bai Lan! What are you doing?"

The voice of admonishment from Lan Yang pierced through Bai Lan's frenzied haze, momentarily bringing him back to reality. He faltered, the weight of Lan Yang's words crashing down upon him as he realized the gravity of his actions. With a newfound resolve, he fought on, determined to reach Liu Xiao's side before it was too late.

"Liu Xiao is in..."

"Get a grip! Our lives are also on the line! Don't forget about it!" Lan Yang said as he continued to swing his sword and endured the sharp pain in his right shoulder.

Bai Lan's resolve hardened as he clenched his fist until blood seeped from his skin, his eyes fixated on Liu Xiao's plight. With each strained word that escaped Liu Xiao's lips, Bai Lan felt the weight of his comrade's suffering pressing down upon him.

But despite his instinctive urge to rush to Liu Xiao's aid, Bai Lan forced himself to refocus on the immediate danger surrounding them. With grim determination, he turned to assist Lan Yang in dispatching the encroaching demons, his mind clouded with a potent mix of fear and frustration.

However, Bai Lan's efforts were mired by his wavering focus and the turmoil raging within him. Lan Yang, sensing his companion's distress, halted his movements and delivered a resounding blow to Bai Lan's senses, snapping him back to reality.

"Snap out of it! We can't afford to lose our heads here," Lan Yang admonished, his voice laced with urgency. "We need to stay focused and fight smart. Charging blindly towards Liu Xiao won't help anyone, especially not him."

Bai Lan recoiled at Lan Yang's words, the sting of reality piercing through his haze of panic. He wiped away a stray tear, steeling himself for the task at hand. With renewed determination, he swung his sword with unwavering resolve, cleaving through the ranks of demons that threatened to overwhelm them.

Meanwhile, Mo Xian, weakened and barely able to move, could only watch in anguish as the events unfolded before him. His heart ached with helplessness as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. With each passing moment, the weight of despair bore down upon him, leaving him paralyzed with despair. "No... No..."

As Mo Xian's world began to spin, a menacing demon lurched toward him with malicious intent. But before the creature could close the distance, a swift and deadly strike sent it reeling. Tian Lang's fan sliced through the air with lethal precision, severing the demon's head and sending its lifeless body crashing to the ground.

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