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Chapter 46: The Demon Mermaid; The Serpent of The Sea, Part 1


Liu Xiao's lashes fluttered open gradually, revealing pupils aglow with a fiery orange hue before settling back into their usual beautiful hazel. As he rose to his feet, a splitting headache assaulted his senses, coupled with a heavy weight pressing upon his chest, sapping his strength. With a pained groan, he reached up to massage his throbbing temples, seeking some relief.


Liu Xiao's gaze shifted to the figure before him, the sun's rays casting a halo around the silhouette, obscuring his features. Yet, the opulent attire of black and blood-red hues, coupled with the cascade of long brown hair, left no doubt—it was Wu Qingge.

"Wu... Shidi..."

"Mmn. It's me."

Liu Xiao continued to soothe his aching head before inquiring, "W-Where... where are we?"

"On an island," Wu Qingge replied.

Liu Xiao's frown deepened, his drowsy eyes widening with sudden clarity, as though the pain in his head and chest had momentarily been forgotten. A fucking island?! WE WERE JUST AT THE HIGHLANDS A MOMENT AGO?! THEN THAT FUCKING INCUBUS SENT US HERE TO LIVE AS TRIBE PEOPLE OR DIE AS CAVEMEN?!

Liu Xiao swiftly regained his composure, adopting his usual calm demeanor. "Ahem! Where is Bai Lan? Chen Yi? The others?"

"Right there."

Following Wu Qingge's gesture, Liu Xiao directed his gaze towards their companions. Shan Ling, Bai Lan, Chen Yi, and Lan Yang were seated in meditation upon the white sands of the shore, immersed in the serenity of the sea and the gentle caress of the breeze.

Surveying his surroundings, Liu Xiao realized he lay upon the soft white sands, shielded by a large black coat serving as his makeshift bed. He glanced back at Wu Qingge, a question forming on his lips. "The dragon?"


Oh, wow, as expected of the protagonist, he is really such a

"Gege killed it."

"H-HUH?!" Liu Xiao said in shock.

Indeed, Liu Xiao had released the bird unconsciously, unaware of what transpired afterward. Initially driven by pure killing intent, he never anticipated the emergence of a bird bearing semblances of both a phoenix and a swan, soaring towards the golden dragon.

Attempting to channel his spiritual qi once more, Liu Xiao found his wrist seized by Wu Qingge, who shook his head solemnly. "Gege, don't."

Perplexed, Liu Xiao tilted his head in confusion. "Huh? Why?"

"You're still on the verge of self-healing. Don't do anything rash, okay?"

Liu Xiao's mouth fell open slightly as he nodded in understanding. "...I see."

It dawned on him that any further exertion would only exacerbate the heavy burden weighing on his chest, sapping his strength. He anticipated that releasing his spiritual qi would only lead to further depletion, prolonging the arduous process of recovery.


"Old fart?!"


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