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Chapter 20: War Between the Righteous and Demonic Paths, Part 1

Within the ethereal confines of the floating palace, esteemed masters from various distinguished peaks were convened, encircling a vast, nearly translucent crystallized table. The venerable owner of the floating palace was in attendance; his hair bore shades of bluish-white, his visage remained striking despite being veiled by a beard, and he donned a golden robe adorned with black embroidery. Positioned centrally among the seats, he attentively absorbed the discourse of the peak masters.

"We must fortify our own peak first! Dao Ling and his followers are on the verge of arriving!"

"There's no time for that! Even if we fortify our peak, it changes nothing! We shall strike first to gain the upper hand!"

"What are our options?! This predicament stems from those treacherous elders! They conspired with the demon cult solely for the black lotus cultivation!"

"All would have been well if only Wu Qingge had surrendered his cultivation to the demon cult."

Amidst the tumultuous debate, Mo Xian brought his hand down upon the table with force. Black and blue spiritual qi surged from his palm as he surveyed the quarreling peak masters with a furrowed brow. A hush fell over the council chamber. Beside Mo Xian, Tian Lang merely listened, leisurely fanning himself and arching an eyebrow at the peak masters' exchange.

Mo Xian's voice, deep yet slightly soft, resonated as he declared, "How foolish."

"Merely opening your mouths serves no purpose. We are here to devise a strategy for war, not to squabble and voice regrets," Mo Xian added. Silence enveloped the hall; none dared to counter Mo Xian, for his words held truth, until an elder with bluish hair inquired, "Xian'er, what is the reason behind the demon cult's attacks?"

Mo Xian's gentle demeanor returned as he exhaled a weighty sigh and replied, "They covet the Black Lotus cultivation from my teachings."

"That's precisely what I've been saying!"

"Wu Qingge should have surrendered it to the demon cult."

"Fools!" Tian Lang burst out, rising to his feet with a scowl etched on his face. He could no longer bear the peak masters' bickering and exclaimed, "It's no wonder your peaks are decaying and inferior! You fail to grasp why the elders conspired with them or why they sought Wu Qingge's cultivation! It's because they aim to release the demon king! The demon cult is aware of the underworld gate's location! Haven't you noticed the frequent demon appearances in the mortal realm? It's because the demon cult has opened the underworld! And now, their plan is to liberate the demon king and conquer the cultivation world!"

The hall fell into a stunned silence, its faces painted with shock, despair, and fear. They all understood the terror that ensued when the demon king roamed free in the mortal realm. Historically, only the former Mount Hua Peak Master dared to seal him away. Hence, after the disappearance of the underworld gate and the sealing of the demon king, cultivators regained their confidence. They bolstered their ranks by recruiting disciples from the mortal realm and nurturing new talents for future generations.

The owner of the floating palace's mouth quivered slightly upon hearing the demon king. He had anticipated that the demon king's seal would eventually weaken and that he would escape from the underworld once more, but the reality came much sooner than expected! His hand shook, and he was on the verge of speaking when a cultivator burst through the door and exclaimed, "Masters! The demon cult has arrived! They have brought the gate to the underworld with them, unleashing demons that are now attacking the commoners!"

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