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Chapter 17: Yin Meiyuan, The Demon Witch

"Who..." The whole crowd was rendered speechless as they witnessed a man of celestial-like beauty swing his sword to protect the young owner of the eatery, an act no one else dared to undertake. Yin Meiyuan, the emperor's concubine, raised her eyebrows at the sight of Liu Xiao, her lips curving into a faint smile.

The guards looked to their master for guidance, but she merely crossed her arms without a word. "Err, young cultivator, please refrain from interfering with the empire's internal affairs," one guard said, addressing Liu Xiao with the utmost respect. Liu Xiao clicked his tongue and drew his sword nonetheless.

"Empire's affairs, my ass! My appetite has vanished with this commotion you've caused! Is this what the Emperor of Yong'an is reduced to? Allowing his subordinates to wreak havoc as they please? How disappointing!" Liu Xiao exclaimed. The onlookers, gathered behind and beside him, marveled at his audacity. But truthfully, his appetite had indeed dissipated.

The guards, along with Yin Meiyuan, were left dumbfounded by his tirade. Wu Qingge remained motionless, yet vigilant of any move the guards or Yin Meiyuan might make towards Liu Xiao. Though offended by Liu Xiao's words, Yin Meiyuan maintained her composure and dignified demeanor.

Liu Xiao then turned to the eatery's owner who stood transfixed by him, gazing in admiration, and inquired, "Young man, are you alright? Does this bitch creep you out?" His bold inquiry elicited a chorus of 'ooooohs' from the commoners. Yin Meiyuan clenched her jaw and grasped the hem of her exquisite garment tightly.

"Mount Hua Peak Master Mo Xian's disciple, Liu Xiao, you are quite outspoken. It seems your master has never reprimanded you," Yin Meiyuan remarked sternly, yet still poised. 

"Huh? Of course not. My master adores me!" Liu Xiao retorted mockingly.

"It's the Meihua Swan! He's here!"

"Look! The rumors were true! He's so beautiful! Like a celestial being brought down by the heavens!"

"He looks so feminine and fragile, but he's actually strong!"

"Look behind him! It's Wu Qingge! They really eloped!"

"Ahem!" Liu Xiao cleared his throat loudly, quelling the whispers of the crowd behind him. He turned his attention to Yin Meiyuan, whose eyes were veiled with concealed bloodlust.

Do you think I wouldn't recognize you? You're that demon witch who uses people's skins to maintain your beautiful appearance! But the truth is, your appearance is unsightly and rotten! Much worse, you're a demon, and now you're a concubine of the emperor?! Did the original plot change again? Isn't she supposed to be a prostitute in a widely known brothel? She must've seduced the emperor to make her his concubine.

As the guards prepared to strike, Yin Meiyuan raised her hand, signaling them to stop. "Halt," she commanded. "In the presence of the Meihua Swan, you are but insignificant insects. Leave this to me." In an instant, her nails transformed into elongated, razor-sharp talons, tainted with a crimson hue. A malevolent smile twisted her features as she lunged at Liu Xiao. He nimbly evaded her assault, safeguarded the eatery's proprietor, and escaped outdoors.

Yin Meiyuan's laughter haunted his ears, a sinister sound that followed him as she advanced, her lethal nails glistening ominously. The crowd outside gathered, forming a ring around the unfolding spectacle. Liu Xiao realized the dangers of combat in such confined quarters—not just to himself but to the innocent bystanders. Yet Yin Meiyuan seemed undeterred by the gathering audience.

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