Chapter 1

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The Day Everything Changed

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

I woke up to the sound of a girl screaming. It was seven in the morning and she was already giving me a headache. "Shut the fuck up" I muttered as I tried to go back to bed, but this bitch wouldn't stop. "Why the hell are we naked!" She yelled again, this time getting my attention as I looked at her gorgeous body.

It took me a few minutes to snap out of it "we had sex" I replied in a casual tone while her expression changed to fear. "Don't act like you regret it" I muttered, taking the blanket off me and showing her my eight inch dick. "I was a virgin you idiot!" She responded back, not daring to look at my naked body.

My face dropped " bad..." I mumbled, trying to act like I cared. I find it stupid how people wait for marriage— or someone they truly love to have sex with. Loves not real, it's a myth, you can easily fall out of love with someone so why not have sex now.

"Did I even consent to fucking you" she muttered giving me a glare. She must of known she was drunk. "Exactly." She said with an annoyed tone while putting on her clothes. However I wasn't interested in me taking her virginity while she was drunk. I was more curious on why she hadn't looked down at my naked body once. Every girl's all over me when I'm shirtless. Yet here I am with absolutely no clothes on.

Before I could ask, she ran out the room— fully dressed of course. I shrugged my shoulder and got out of bed, slipping on my boxers and jeans, and choosing to stay shirtless. When I came out of my room there were about twenty blonde girls, half naked. They looked hot so I chose to go to them. "Hey ladies" I say with a flirty tone and a smirk on my face

They all turned around, looking down at my abs. "Hey" one of then responded as she bit the bottom of her lips. I didn't like the slipshod attention I was getting from that brunette girl I slept with, so I decided to bring one of these girls home with me.

"Why don't you come to my place" I said pulling her closer to me by grabbed her ass. I could tell she was enjoying this, so I continued to put my hand in her underwear. "S-S-Sure..." she stuttered as I smirked. I continued to leave my hand in her underwear and guided her to my car.

"That's not fair, why does she get to sleep with all the hot guys" I heard a girl say from behind as the smirk on my face stayed. I slapped the girls ass, lightly so I don't hurt her "get in" I demanded as she slowly got into the limbo. I went towards the other side "sir" my guard said as he opened the door for me. I gave him a nod and sat beside the half naked blonde girl.

I grabbed her chin to face her towards me. The only thing I could see in her eyes were fear "what's wrong" I questioned out of curiosity. "Y-You're t-the J-Johnny O-Orlando" she stuttered as if she got chills just by saying that name. It was nice scaring people just by my name.

"Don't worry baby girl, I won't hurt you" I whispered in her ears, teasing her. My hands slowly went down to her ass as she got up and sat on my lap. I moved my hands into the bra but suddenly stopped when heading a moan "already?" I questioned "s-sorry" she stuttered apologizing.

"Sir there is traffic, we may get home later than expected" Harry said. Harry's my most toughest guard, he's been protecting my dad when he was a mafia leader and now he's working for me. "Guess I have more time with you" I say turning my head back to the girl. She gave me a small smile as I continued to make her moan louder and louder.

"Baby you have to control yourself" I said holding her firmly. She gave me a nod as she begged me to do more. However I wasn't enjoying this as much as I thought I would. It felt weird not wanting to have sex "put your clothes back on" I demanded as she quickly got off me and started putting her clothes on.

We sat side by side in silence. I liked it better this way...hearing her scream wasn't pleasant. I guess it's because she moans very easily and I like a challenge.

A few hours later we finally got home. I asked Harry to take the blonde girl back to the club while I went inside the mansion. I changed into a suit and put on a tie. I liked dressing formally, even when I'm home. "John there's a girl here for you" Lauren says with an exhausted tone. I sighed "tell her I don't feel like having sex" I responded back, flipping through multiple papers for work.

"That's the thing...she's not here for sex..." Lauren mumbled with a worried face. I gave her a confuse look "let her in" I declared. It wasn't long before the Burnett girl I had slept with last night, walked in my office. She looked beautiful with such basic clothes. She was wearing light rip jeans with a black shirt and a nikes windbreaker jacket unzipped.

"This is your fault!" She muttered, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What is it now" I say groaning as I flipped back through my work papers. "For once can you acknowledge me!" She yelled with an angry tone. I looked up while putting my hand into a fist "do not speak to me like that" I muttered trying to control my rage for her.

I watched her calm down as I heard words I never thought I would hear.

"I-I'm p-pregnant..." she said stuttering through her words. For once I felt could this happen- I could I let this happen!

After a few moments of me gathering my thoughts back, I sighed and looked back down at my work "get out" I told her, avoiding as much eye contact as possible.

"W-What?" She asked. "I will give you $1000. That's it. I never want to see yours or the babies face again." I replied back with a causal but deadly tone. People often think I'm threatening them with my casual voice, but the truth is it's my normal tone.

"Fuck off." She muttered, grabbing my attention as I watched her walk out. I bit the bottom of my lip, it was hot how she told me to fuck off— If someone said that to me they would be dead but it was different when she said was hot.

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