Chapter Sixty - Two

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"That's a declaration of war."

"War?" I repeated, looking startled at Mayra.

"He threatened you, Elora," she protested.

"He warned me."

"Same thing."

I returned to my room after my visit to the chapel. Aleron had followed me back but he had not said much on the way.

After I had taken a well-needed shower, I exited the bathroom to find Mayra waiting for me.

Of course, she needed all the details possible and as I had promised not to lie or keep anything from her, I fed her all she could eat, till the last crumb.

She adjusted herself on the couch, as I stood by the dresser with the letter in my hand, my father's letter.

"Emrys told me I didn't have to follow his path. What if he didn't mean the throne, what if he meant death? What if he never wanted me to live as he did? Chained to the court, confined within the palace?"

"Gods be damned he got in your head, and in a chapel no less. The man has no shame or boundaries." She cursed, her attention anywhere else, her look telling me she was probably plotting his murder in her head.

My heart ached and it reminded me of Edmund's testament, in the bag Xander had returned that night, still back in the mansion.

Two fathers giving me two very different choices.

"Maybe he did get in my head. But is he wrong? You said you would stand by me."

"Yes, with whatever you choose, not what he manipulates into your head."

"What else am I to do? My future is not promised, and if I die he wins anyway. I might as well give up now, and go home."

"Home? Elora, what are you saying?" Sadness filled her eyes, she was hurt.

"Maybe it's best for me to die in the one place I know, where my memories lie." I sighed exhaustingly, not being able to figure out my true feelings or any authentic thought untouched by anyone.

The door opened and like he owned the place, Xander strolled in without an introduction or invitation.

His tunic was loosely bound under his throat, making his chest, again, visible.

I tore my eyes from him before he could tell I wasn't looking him straight in the eyes.

"My second least-favourite person, good." Mayra scoffed, quickly letting her sadness vanish.

He didn't acknowledge her presence, only straightening his back at her comment. The posture was arrogant.

"Threaten some sense into her." She tried.

"Mayra," I warned. I didn't need for him to know my conversations with Aleron, or frankly any of my conversations.

"Aleron told her to abandon her claim and title."

I clenched my jaw, waiting nervously for a reaction. Anything.

But his eyes only narrowed.

"Should I kill him?" He said unexpectedly, catching me off guard.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"That might help, '' Mayra interjected. He turned his attention to her.

"Tear his limbs apart?" He suggested unfazed.

"Poison would be quicker," Mayra added again, amusing the conversation.

"It would be quicker." He repeated calmly.

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