Chapter Sixty

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She followed me back to my room, her pleas quickly turning to complaints. Even as I went to the bathroom to get dressed and splashed my tired face with cold water, her weary questions echoed through the door.

"So are you going to tell him?" She pressed, walking behind me, on our way to the gardens.

"He knows." I tried to dismiss it.

"Xander knows you're dying?" She said, slightly surprised, "Well he never does care about anything." She added quickly.

"You knew too."

"I did not," she interjected loudly.

"Then what did you tell yourself when you saw my arms healed? Or my blackened blood? That it was a miracle?" I snorted, upping my pace. I didn't want him to wait long...or I didn't want to waste time.

"I..." I heard her say, knowing she was thinking of an answer.

"I thought Xander's blood would heal all of you. That it would expel the poison and that you had been permanently changed somehow. I had no idea it was still killing you. I know you said there was nothing to be done but I didn't realize you were going to die."

I believed she had refused to accept the truth not realizing the seriousness of my situation.

"Keep quiet about it, would you?" I turned my head, narrowing my eyes.

I didn't want Xander to know, nor anyone for that matter.

My equal contender couldn't know just how weak his competition was.

I turned sharp but she remained behind me as I found the nearest door to the gardens and slipped out.

Xander had given direction to a discrete part of the huge outside area. There the trees would cover us just enough, to where no one would see what we were doing.

Go around the lake, until you see me, he had said.

The lake was huge and deep, a wooden bridge was suspended over it, allowing anyone to pass to the other side. But to remain unseen I had to walk around it. The mighty crowns of leaves would cover me from anyone overlooking the view from the palace.

"You know I can still teach you to fight. You could release him now and let it be done." She suggested, knowing full well she was testing me.

I cleared my throat, "Your reputation doesn't scare me as much as his." I shot back.

"Ouch," she responded sarcastically, "You know most people know me as the vixen."

"And why is that? Your very useful skill at sneaking up on people?"

"I could show you why," she challenged.

"I'm sure that would be entertaining, for you only, however..." I paused, turning, causing her to stop.  "I need you by my side as a friend, as my family. Let the great vixen protect me with her silence and company."

"Flattery won't get you far." She rolled her eyes, pouting. "But it will get you some of the way." She finally relaxed, letting a small grin take over her face.

"Thank you," I said exhausted. 

The trees around us got thicker and soon we entered a clearing just beside the lake.

He was already there standing by a huge rock, wearing a loose tunic and tight trousers, all in black, as usual.

"Your skill at making it on time needs work." Xander's voice scoffed over the weeping wind.

"I think a lot of her skills need work." Mayra ridiculed, prompting a scowl from me.

"Why have you disgraced us with your presence, vixen?" Xander mocked before I could say anything.

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