Chapter Fifty - Seven

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"Mayra," I called, but she didn't stop. I had followed her from the Keep, her raging steps too quick for me to catch up to. I halted, giving up in the middle of the scented hallway.

Her hair swayed as she stormed away.

What would I say if I caught her? I'm sorry, again? I wasn't. For once I wasn't sorry, I was selfish.

"She'll get over it." A voice muttered from beside me.

He was there, finally with his shirt on, even his hat.

"Yeah...?" I asked, looking in the direction she had gone, unsure if I could trust his word.

"She doesn't hold grudges for long."

I nodded remembering he knew her better than I did. Even if they weren't on the best of terms, they had been through times I would never know about, together. And even with Xander's inevitable cruel manners and Mayra's stubborn head, they had kept their familiarity. An unusual pairing.


I turned instantly as Aleron came toward us. His hands were behind his back and he wore black trousers and a red velvet tunic. Golden deer crowns had been embroidered down his chest. His hair had been tied up, no longer resting on his shoulders. Small curls had escaped the updo, caressing against his forehead and on the sides.

"Xander." It was almost a demeaning surprise in his voice. His gaze lowered to me and I found curiosity in it.

"Eleonora, would you accompany me for lunch?" Aleron asked with shyness and presented his arm. I swallowed and like a damned fool, my eyes fluttered, towards Xander, for a second, before I gained back control.

He noticed. Both of them did.

"Unless you have made other arrangements?" Aleron dared, glancing at Xander.

"No," I responded quickly, too quickly.

With a satisfied look on his face, Aleron provided his arm again and as I reached for it, I glanced at Xander whose face was as unreadable as ever.

But as my disappointment started to grow it disappeared the moment I felt him move behind us, following.

"I pray our walk yesterday wasn't too unnerving. Seeing all those strangers, having to accept that they are part of your history, must be confusing." Aleron confided, turning to watch me grit my teeth.

I exhaled, flustered. He knew exactly what I had felt.

"As you said, it's hard to imagine them"

He nodded, satisfied.

"Did you know them, or was it only my father that you served?"

He returned my curiosity with a soft smile, "I knew his mother, Queen Naenna, your grandmother."

He continued, knowing he had captured my attention. "She was a willful redhead, commanding a whole kingdom when the king died in battle before your father had even been born. She was strong and brave, much like you." He stole another glance before carrying on.

"But she was also flawed, especially when it came to her son." My father. "With Emrys she was tough, never allowing him to be free, or enjoy little moments without reminding him what was at risk. The rise of the rebellion had been clear for decades and Naenna was preparing both the kingdom and her son." He chuckled, "That's how I came to know him."

"He'd snuck out one day, running from whatever study he had to commit to. Like a fool, he had gone outside the capital walls. Looking like he did, a couple of town boys quickly started chasing him. They caught him, but he fought valiantly, managing to knock one out while disarming another who charged him with a knife. I heard him from my father's stables, cursing with words I hadn't yet learned. He looked brazen standing there, holding a metal rod, grinning from ear to ear. He wasn't even scared, but even I could tell he was outnumbered. Even as he expressed he didn't want it, I helped him fight them off, while protecting the future king."

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