Chapter Thirty - Four

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A tremor went through me and I almost took a step back from fear. Selene noticed immediately and fully stepped inside the room, closing the door behind her.

Jump from the window now. Or overpower her, you know you can.

"Don't worry, you are protected here." She gently took my hands in hers. "Nobody is going to hurt you." Her big eyes were calm and reassuring, making me nod in agreement.

She is a liar. I controlled your panic so run, run now!

She led me out as my feet became heavy and I felt the need to listen to the growling voice inside my head. It would never stop tormenting me but this time I wanted to do what it said. I wanted to run away.

As I walked down the hallway towards the stairs, Selene followed me closely behind, likely making sure I didn't slip away. I could easily overpower her if I wanted to. But my hands stayed by my sides and my legs took slow heavy steps, not straying from the path.

We reached a wide staircase leading down a big open room with windows so large they reached the ceiling, their curtains were just as long. I dipped out to the right, through a door, and found myself in the marble hall entrance. I paused immediately.

Sarvin was already there, dressed, and next to him stood two guards with blue armour. Mayra was nowhere to be seen.

"Lady Elora." One of the guards called, as he spotted me. "You have been called to the palace by general Aleron."

I swallowed hard.

"Will my uncle be joining me?" It was the first time I had ever called him that. It tasted wrong.

"Aleron requested only for you."

My heart sank, wondering where I would find the courage to face him alone. Sarvin saw my dread, quickly gliding to my side.

"It will be alright. Just keep calm and don't ask any questions. Whatever he wants, just give him short answers and don't accept any offers." His eyes searched for mine, a look of confirmation on his face.

I nodded before he nudged me towards the entrance. The guards guided me down the stairs and into a blood-red carriage. One of them opened the carriage door and before I climbed in, I took one last look at Sarvin as he stood atop the stairs. I could see his look had turned scary and off something I couldn't recognize.

It only took minutes before I arrived at the golden gates. The guards quickly led me through the hallway and into the ballroom I had been in the night before. It was empty and as I walked by the dais with the black chair I imagined the power the king had held in that chair so many years ago.

I continued into the room where the council had presided in the day before, though this time I only found Aleron sitting at the end, on a smaller bolstered, black chair.

"Elora I'm glad to see you again." His deep voice said gently as the guards left the room. The doors slammed behind them making me jump slightly.

I furrowed at his comment. Yesterday he had only looked at me a few times and every time it had been a cold and unreadable glare.

"I hope your trip here wasn't too uncomfortable."

"It was adequate, lord general," I said and quickly bowed my head.

"Please call me Aleron."

"As you wish, Lord Aleron."

He smiled as I didn't drop the formalities.

"Edmund taught you well."

"My father had many ambitious dreams for me," I said, letting my eyes smile for me.

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