Abhi Feels Inferior

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It was an early night time, in the busy roads of Chennai city Abhi drives his car aimlessly thinking about Priyanka's words and his mother's betrayal. He couldn't believe that the woman he respects a lot spoiled his life forever, the most painful thing was his  friend too ditched him.

His eyes filled with sorrow thinking about Priyanka's ungrateful behaviour. Her ugly words echoed in his ears again and again, he kept on thinking about those people and felt bad. His mobile rang numerous times but he didn't pay attention to any of the calls.

Exactly after one hour he stopped his car finally, when he reached the deserted beach shore and then parked the car. With a heavy heart he walked towards the sea shore and sat there watching the sea waves.

His mind was fully occupied with today's events, he regrets believing such cruel people. Priyanka's words about his appearance and his relationship with Ramya pushed him to the worst. He regrets his decision of marrying her. He drowned in guilt for spoiling her happy life.

He remembered everything happened between them after their marriage and cried vigorously. He realised that he loves her truly, he can't imagine a life without her but he felt he is not suitable for her and she deserves someone better than him. He thought she looks beautiful, she is a kind and good heartedly girl, how can he be selfish to spoil her beautiful life??

He knew very well that now Ramya was ready to accept him and to start their life but now he doubted that, whether she was doing it for her sister and father's sake. He remembered how she didn't respond to his proposal that night when he proposed to her. Also he recollected how she sometimes avoided him in front of her friends. He believed that she was helpless to live with him. He felt he was the unlucky man to lose his face and love, he sank in his tears.

After a long time he decided to let Ramya go away from his life. He didn't wish to be a mean person to crush an innocent girl's dream and life. He wiped his tears and returned to his car with a clear decision.

Before he started the car he checked his mobile once, he was stunned to see more than thirty missed calls and some messages. Half of them were done by Ramya and remaining were by Akash and his mother. He looked confused as well as worried, he felt guilty for ignoring Ramya's calls.

Slowly he dialled his brother Akash's number and waited for him. Within few rings unexpectedly his mother took the call and expressed her anger,
" Where the hell are you Abhi?? How long we tried to reach you, why didn't you pick the calls?? We are all worried, are you ok??" his mother stormed.

Abhi was shocked but he replied to his mom
" Amma I'm fine. Anything serious Amma?? Why do you look so tense??" Asked Abhi.

"First come to our home, then I will explain everything to you " said his mother and disconnected the call. Abhi looked confused.
He saw Ramya's messages and calls once again, his fingers were about to call her but his mind stopped him from doing so.

He started to drive the car faster towards his home, he reminisced Ramya asked him to come to their apartment tonight. He felt bad about taking advantage of her last night. Finally he decided to speak with him mother to sort out all the problems and to send Ramya back to her house. He thought it was the right thing, his heart cried in pain.
But he was ready to sacrifice his love to set her life happy like before.


Abhi reached his home and went inside. He saw his mother and brother waiting for him in the living room.
"Amma what happened?? Why did you ask me to come soon?? Is everything alright??" Asked Abhi tensed.

Looking at his serious face his mother and brother looked at each other for a few moments, then they both broke into laughter. Abhi looked more confused, he asked them the same.

" Abhi, there was something important to tell you, we have good news " said Janaki happily. Abhi looked on.

" I'm going to become a grandmother" Janaki proudly announced looking at his other son Akash. He looked down shyly. After a few moments Abhi realised what his mother said and got ecstatic forgetting his own pain.

Immediately he rushed to his brother Akash and gave him a bear hug.
" CongratulationsI'm so happy for you Akash " said Abhi with happy tears. Akash anticipated happily and both the brothers shared lite moments.

Soon after that Ramya and Sowmiya entered the living area. Abhi's eyes fixed on his wife's happy smiling face, his eyes expressed untold happiness looking at her. For a moment he forgot his decision of giving up their marriage. She blushed looking at him, then realising the bitter truth he looked away from her, even though it happened for a few seconds Ramya didn't fail to notice her husband's sudden change of behaviour.

" Congratulations Sowmiya,I'm so glad that I'm going to become an uncle,"said Abhi happily. Sowmya looked down shyly and acknowledged his wish.

The family shared some good time, and dinner together happily. All the while Ramya's eyes fixed on Abhi, but he didn't even look at her. She was extremely hurt that he didn't pick her calls or anticipated her text. It was like he avoided her like a plague and ignored her presence.

She was shocked and confused about his sudden changes but this time she didn't misunderstand him. Because she knew that he love her, even he proposed to her the same, so this time she was not scared about losing him.

Then she remembered last night he went to meet Priyanka and her mother. She gets vaguely clear now that something happened between them there. It must have hurt him badly, that's why he behaved differently.

What did they tell him?? Ramya asked herself and she was determined to know the truth.

To Be Continued...


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