Flight Travel

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Ramya muttered surprisingly, " You...??"
Abhi didn't react much, he looked at her intensely for a moment and silently he walked away taking her luggages. A while ago she was preparing to talk with him when she met him, but now she has become dumb seeing him directly.

After he left she got her senses back and was in a thought whether she was dreaming or is it real?? She pinched herself to check whether she was dreaming or not.
"Ouchh.... No Ramya, he had come for real"
She smiled wider and rushed outside to see him like a little kid.

There he was keeping her baggage inside the car, she went near him and asked him,
" When did you come?? I'm.. You...",
They were interrupted by her father.

He said, " Mapillai, only one bag for me, is there a place inside the car??" Asked Sundaram, Ramya's father. Abhi nodded his head with a smile and kept his bag inside.

Ramya was surprised and asked her father,
" Appa...are you coming with us??".

He smiled and said, " Yes ma... Mapillai asked me to come and stay there with you all for a few days".

She felt happy, hugged her father and said,
" I'm so happy Appa... Thank you so much".

He smiled and said, " You should thank your husband, because he only convinced me to come with you. He said "you and Sowmiya will be happy if I stay there for some days".

She looked at him surprisingly and murmured, " Thank you", they shared an eyelock, he nodded his head and moved away.

After that he didn't talk with her or even turned to her side, she was embarrassed to talk with him.They had their lunch together,
Ramya served food for all, but he stopped her and asked her to eat with them. She obliged to his words and sit next to him. He served her food and started to talk with his father in law.

She was surprised at his kind gesture after all she did to him, her mind was thinking how to apologise to him. Meanwhile their conversation hit her ears.

"Mama... Evening 5 'o'clock flight, so I think we should start now after lunch. Or Else we will be late, it will take one hour to reach the airport, " said Abhi.

"What are we going by a flight ??" Asked Ramya with a jerk. Abhi looked at her puzzled. Her father laughed looking at her. Ramya was looking like a cry baby.

"Mama... I don't understand, what is happening here??" Asked Abhi confused, looking at Ramya.

" Mapillai... it's not so big, please don't worry. Your wife is scared of flight travel, so she was shocked" said Sundaram.

" Scared...?? For what?? " asked Abhi.

" Actually we should only be scared to go with her, she will embarrass us. You know Abhi... She is scared of heights, she used to get headaches and sometimes puke, she will create a scene, so we don't prefer flight travel. If I knew that you were going to book flight tickets I would have stopped you. But today you will see all her antics " said Ramya's father while giggling.

Abhi looked at her face, she looked pitiful. He can't believe she is this much scared of flight travel, he imagined her in flight with her antics. Suddenly he burst out in laughter. He couldn't control himself, he closed his mouth and he smiled silently. By hearing his giggle, she raised her head and looked at him surprisingly. Then she got angry at him for making fun of her.

" Excuse me... I will be back" said Abhi by understanding her with her angry bird look.

Ramya was annoyed, she wondered whether he was taking revenge on her for that night's insults. Whatever she got more panicked thinking about her flight travel.

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