Getting Closer

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" It's ok, I will walk, leave me down," said Ramya shyly.

" Wait for a few minutes, I will drop you" said Abhi and climbed the staircase carefully. Ramya was embarrassed and looked at him. As he said he left her on bed once they reached their room. She groaned in pain and touched her leg.

"Ramya where did you get hurt ??show me" asked abhi.

Ramya hesitated and said, "It's ok.I will see, you go to your room"

" I said show me, where did you get hurt" said Abhi strictly. Ramya was perplexed and showed him her right leg ankle bone.

Abhi took her leg and kept on his knees, he started to check her wound. Ramya had goosebumps in his touch, she trembled and forgot her pain. The only thing she realised was his fingers playing on her foot, he was sitting so close to her. Her face turned pink, she tried to look away from him to hide her emotions, but her eyes betrayed her.

" Nothing serious... This is not fracture I guess, but it has swelling maybe mild sprain. Now I will apply pain killer spray, let's wait and see till tomorrow morning. If you still feel pain, let's go to the doctor" Abhi said casually while applying spray on her ankle.

Ramya nodded and laid down on the bed, Abhi asked her to call him if she needed anything. He turned off the lights and went into his office room.

Ramya was unable to sleep, she was flipping on the bed sleeplessly. Strangely her thoughts were only about Abhi, she recollected all her moments with him on that day.

Her first bike ride with him...

Their first mobile chat...

Her late night ride with him...

Her favourite kulfi with him...

First time she called his name...

Walking holding his hands...

Laid on his shoulders...

He carried her in his arms...

He touched her foot..

The way he cared for her, when she was hurt.

Everything she recollected and smiled immensely. She was wondering why she was thinking about him so much. She said to herself that definitely he must have slept now, why am I thinking about him now?? She tried to ignore his thoughts and sleep but her heart wanted to do something else.

She picked her mobile and texted him,

"Slept??", he read her message immediately.

She waited for his reply, even though a few seconds passed, it became a long time for her. She became nervous and started to bite her nails. Suddenly his room door opened,her heart beat hiked. He came out, and asked her,

" Is it so painful Ramya?? Can we goto doctor??" He looked worried.

" Haaaaan... No it's better " said Ramya.

Abhi frowned and asked, " Then why didn't you sleep?? It's going to be 4' o clock"

Ramya looked down, fiddling with her fingers, she didn't know how to express her confused feelings. Abhi was puzzled and sat near her,

" What is bothering you??" Abhi asked.

"No...Nothing is bothering me... But.... I'm unable to get sleep, I don't know I'm feeling restless. If...if.. it is ok for you, can you sleep here, in this room today??" Ramya hesitatingly asked.

Abhi was surprised, he didn't reply for sometime, he was in a deep thought then he asked, " Are you sure about what you are saying??"

Ramya understood what he meant, she knew what she was saying but she was unable to find why she was asking so,

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