Guilt Striken

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"What?? He left to Chennai?? What are you saying??" Asked Ramya in a shock. Her eyes started to dwell up with tears without her knowledge.

Sowmya became suspicious and asked her sister, " Ramya... Tell me the truth, did you say anything to him?? Did you fight with Abhi mama?? Yesterday did you do something out of anger ?? Come on tell me...". Ramya became nervous at her sister's confrontation but, she somehow managed and said to her,

" No Sowmi... I didn't fight with him. Infact I didn't even see him yesternight. You know I slept because of medicine effect. Maybe he would have thought to not to disturb my sleep, so he left without telling me. It's ok I will call him and talk " lied Ramya to console her worried sister, she didn't want to make her worried thinking about her fight with Abhi. Sowmya was not convinced with her but, still she was quite seeing her worried face. Ramya left the place and went to her room straight away, she recollected her rude words to Abhi, unknowingly she started to cry. She closed her room door, poured her sorrow as tears.

After sometime she consoled herself and called Abhi, but his number was switched off. She felt the pain of she lost something precious, but she was unable to understand what feel was it.

After Abhi left Ramya was restless throughout the day, she was unable to behave normal infront of others, she isolated herself from others. Meantime she tried Abhi's number over and over, still his mobile was in switched off, she worried about him.

Next day she felt difficult to be in home, she went to her college with an excuse of upcoming exams. Her mil or her father none stopped her, infact Sowmya encouraged her to give her college mates or others a befitting reply when they mock her or Abhi.

Surprisingly, her close friends praised Abhi for his kind gesture, and being an inspiration to all. They said he didn't hesitate to face the world after so much pain and humiliation he suffered. They added Ramya will be lucky to get such kind man as her husband, they assured definitely he will love her and treat her really good than any other.

They told her that Rakesh was jealous of Abhi just because she married him, so he was trying to hurt her. Her another friend said, she heard his plans with his friends to insult you for rejecting his proposal. Ramya was shocked hearing all this.

Her friends advised her to ignore his taunts and live happy with Abhi. She was unable to face them she silently heard what they said, the guilt of hurting him badly eats her mind.

Now she clearly understood that he left home because of her attitude. She called his number again, this time full ring gone but he didn't pick the call. She was stunned to what to do next?? Eventhough she didn't do intentionally, she hurts him badly out of rage?? She wondered, how to ask his forgiveness??

Meanwhile again Rakesh mocked her, but this time she choose to ignore him and walked away, which made him fuming in anger. Ramya went to her home after her college hours, and she was surprised to see her in-law was planning to leave along with Sowmi and Akash.

" Ramya... Tomorrow we will be leaving to our house in Chennai. Next week you will be having your semester exams right, so you can stay back with your father and complete your exams and come to our house ". Her MIL caressed her head and gave her some wedding gifts. Ramya looked at her mil surprisingly, due to her sudden kind gesture but, without collecting her gifts she went to her room.

Following Ramya, her Mil came to her room, she said " Ramya... I know you are annoyed with me, it will be difficult for you but please forgive me for what I did" . Ramya was surprised at her sudden apology, she wondered did Abhi told his mother about their tiff.

"It was a longtime dream of a mother to see her son married. But I know I did wrong with you, suddenly I made you my son's bride, it was not an easy thing for you. I'm not going to justify my act, but you tell me one-thing just because his face got burnt in a deadly accident, didn't he deserve to lead a normal life?? Didn't he deserve to get happiness??" . Her mil was in tears her voice was broken while talking about Abhi's accident. Ramya looked on with tears.

"Ramya... you haven't seen him before accident, he looked.... he looked...much more handsome than Akash" she was broken into tears. Ramya understood her pain and asked her to be calm and not to say anything right now.

After a while Janaki said, " I'm unable to speak about his accident, don't ask me how his face changed like that, those days were worst nightmares for me", she cried. Ramya felt bad about her condition , she gave her water to drink. Janaki said thanks to Ramya and drink some water.

Her mil continued to say, "Eventhough after your father in law's sudden demise I stayed strong, but I couldn't see my son facing rejection and humiliation everytime. He was getting punished without doing any mistakes". Ramya recalled her rude words to him and felt bad for hurting him eventhough he didn't do any mistakes.

" Ramya....he is a gem, his face doesn't look beautiful now, but his heart, it's so beautiful. Do you know after his accident he decided to stay single, just because he felt he was not worth of getting love. He was afraid of getting into relationship, he thought that what would happen if the girl doesn't like him?? Or what would happen if she had to compromise her happiness for him?? He thought he should not spoil a girl's life by marrying her. Eventhough he faced so many problems, insults, mockings he always worried about others, that made him really beautiful than anyone". Ramya shed tears thinking about his caring side, she felt it was true he is so humble and gentle.

" Two years back I forced him to marry a girl of my choice but, that girl rejected him on their betrothal. After that he said wedding is not in his life, this time without informing him I fixed his marriage with my employee's daughter. I informed her everything before wedding and showed his picture, she too agreed. Later what happened I don't know, she had a lover it seems so, she eloped with him before marriage. Abhi knew this only day before your wedding, actually he came to attend Akash and Sowmiya's marriage. We forced him for this marriage, he accepted to marry you only after knowing that you agreed to wed him" said Janaki. Ramya looked shocked.

"Since the bride was eloped, I was helpless to make you bride to stop him from getting humiliated and hurt once again. As a mother I can't see his pain, but I'm sorry for what I did with you" said Janaki.

"Really, I was worried thinking about your behaviour towards him, I was scared that what if you hurt him like any other ?? But I understood that I was wrong, you are so sweet and you accepted him as he is, my Abhi is really lucky", said her MIL contently, her eyes brightened in happiness. Ramya looked confused.

"Now I feel better after seeing your growing bond, I could see how you were restless from yesterday. I know you are missing him, am I right?? " She smiled and caressed her face lovingly. Ramya looked down in guilty.

" Even he was also not happy by leaving you alone here, his face was dull. He had to go for some emergency work he said. And I noticed how he took care of you after marriage. I'm so happy seeing you both together " said her MIL. Ramya felt embarrassed.

" Ramya... still, If you want to show your anger you can show it to me, but please don't hurt him. I'm sure soon you will realise his goodness and accept him whole heartedly " said her mother in law. Ramya became dumb.

Her mother in law gave her sarees and jewels as her wedding gift. Ramya was hesitated to take it but, her Mil insisted to take it as it is belongs to her. She left it in her room and asked her to wear whenever she forgive her. Ramya looked on.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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