~•Rainy Days Spent With Them•~

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Neil tends to like taking part in baking on rainy days. With nothing much to do outside, why not make a sweet and delightful treat to make up for the nasty weather? He favors small pastries such as rolls or muffins, but he's not agents trying anything that you might suggest. Most of these little baking sessions also end with some sort of messy food fight. Flower and sugar flying through the air while chocolate or some sort of paste is smudged onto your face, Neil looking the exact same way. Even some dough smooshed in you guys hair.

He loves to jump you, popping out from behind random corners or other hiding places, just to scare you. He always laughs hysterically every time you scream or yelp. And you may think that's the end of his none sense, but nope, it doesn't seem to end there. He will not hesitate to jump at the opportunity to start chasing you around too. "NeIl StOp!!" You'll squeal as your boyfriend runs after you, adrenaline pumping through your veins before you ultimately end up cornering yourself by the front door. Which you can't dash out of, because, well duh, it's raining.

When the two of you do take a moment to sit down, one of his arms will wrap around your shoulder as you two munch on what ever delicious desert you guys slaved away to create. He loves to tell you story's and things that happened at his school at those times. Be it things he did, things his friends did or just a funny story, his little story's never seem to be boring. There is always something that catches your attention. He'll move his hands while explaining the new adventure he went on, to better the detail, his eyes bright and his voice full of enthusiasm. Sometimes you wish you could come along on these little journeys of his.


Cuddling is a huge part of your rainy days spent together. Maybe your hands will be in his hair while his face is buried in your chest. Or it might be that his arms have wrapped themselves around your torso while your legs are hooked around his. What ever it may be, you love to spend an hour or so just laying in silence, or talking if you please, with the light sound of rain clinking off the rooftop and window panes. Everything just seems so calm and relaxing in those perfect moments.

If Todd ever gets up to take care of his own, personal matters, such as using the bathroom or searching for something to eat, you will never pass up the opportunity to run off and hide from him. "(Y/N)," you'll hear him sigh, a bit frustrated with your stupid antics "please, not this again." He will then whine. You love to hide in exceedingly obvious places. First, you might hide behind some long curtains, next, Todd might pass by you a thousand times as you are literally stood still behind a random chair. You love giggling at him once he finally notices you, and how oblivious he had been the entire time.

As the day slowly comes to an end, the sun setting and your curfew coming closer and closer, you two love to just lay on the floor, be it on your stomachs or backs, and just flip aimlessly through some magazines. Pointing out things you wish you owned, places you wanted to visit or clothes you wanted to purchase. Just day dreaming about what could be while giving each other quick pecks on the lips. Todd even holds your pointed out and desired objects in his memory, so when a special occasion comes along, be it your birthday, anniversary or any big holiday, he can obtain one of those items to surprise you with. He try's to go for the ones that you seem to be the most interested in. If you keep pointing out the same sweater, shoes or whatever every single time the two of you open a magazine, that's the thing he'll try his best to find, just for you.


Mr. Dalton is definitely frightened by storms. Not deathly afraid or anything, he won't scream or cry, but he might jump, or yelp a little every time lightning strikes or thunder booms from outside. You should see him when the power goes out, he definitely puts on quiet the scaredy cat show. But anyway, all of that put together just means that he never wants to leave your side, even when it just simply rains out.

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