~•Who Else Is Attracted To You•~

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Todd has been around you so much, from always seeing you in his dorm, to sitting next to you at Neil's plays. He's almost always around you. And over many minutes spent together, he's started to fall for you.

The way you're so interesting and talkative, he loves listening. It's getting harder and harder to be around you, harder and harder to keep his little secret from Neil.

He feels horrible, like he might mess up you and Neil's relationship or, even worse, that he might mess up him and Neil's friendship if he ever lets his classified information slip. So he's sworn himself to secrecy.

But he still can't help but take little glances at you as you walk past.



He just adores how gentle you are with Todd, how understanding and observant you are. He wishes you could be that way with him.

He thinks the two of you could be perfect together, but he would never betray Todd, his friend, like that. So he's come to terms with the fact that you're not his and he's not yours.

All though, the thought of you two cuddled up in an arm chair, you dozing off to sleep as he reads to you is always an image that lives in his head 24/7. A scenario that helps him fall asleep at night.



He's always extremely awkward around you ever sense he's come to terms with the way he feels, and has even, stupidly, told Charlie about his feelings towards you. You, Charlie's significant other. Charlie, of course, wasn't too happy about the news because he knew how persistent and weird Knox could be about his emotions towards someone.

He even tried to kiss you while Charlie wasn't looking, trying to convince you that he was a great guy for you. And that just creeped you out.

He is an extremely romantic guy so seeing a pretty and attractive person hanging around, laughing and joking all the time, made him fall deeply in love with you.



Charlie always sees you studying with Meeks, as little dates and such, and he immediately understood how much he wanted to make you into a wild and energetic person like himself.

He wanted to sneak out and see you at night, he wanted to flirt with you, like you were his, but most of all, he wanted to make you rebel. He wanted to be the guy that your parents hated. For some odd reason.

But also seeing you so collected and proper around Meeks just made him want you to hold him and be careful with him. He wanted to be the guy to impress both you and your parents. He was dealing with some very confusing emotions.

But he knew he could never take you from Meeks. He wasn't that type of guy.



Cameron saw and observed the way you acted around Pitts. Running around and picking flowers with him, laughing and giggling as the two of you drew stick figures on the fogged up glass of the cafeteria windows.

And he never knew, until he saw you, how much he wanted something like that. Someone like you.

Someone to be adorably cute with, someone to take part in random, childish acts with. He was sick of being so preppy and classy. He wanted to hold and hug you every moment or chance he got. He wanted to pick flowers and draw on foggy glass with you.

And over time, he started to notice that he didn't want someone like you, he wanted you. But he knew it would never happen.



Meeks often imagined himself with you, but usually, he just ignored those thoughts. Seeing you with a boy with a work ethic much like his own, both Cameron and himself taking their own schooling very seriously, he thought that maybe you could like him too.

He almost told you how he felt, in the hopes that you'd reciprocate the same feelings, but he could never bring himself to do it. Not only would he be hurting a friend of his, but he also feared that maybe you'd reject him and leave him embarrassed.

So he kept his thoughts of you merely in his mind. Holding your hand or kissing you. Helping you study or sneaking you into his dorm at night. Anything to ease the pain of seeing you with Cameron.

He also hoped that maybe you had a thing for gingers.



Watching you show up to his plays in another dudes arms drove him absolutely crazy. Making him get distracted a lot too.

He wanted to be the one to sweep you off your feet. Read you poems and bring you flowers, but Knox beat him to it. And it didn't help that you seemed to be in love with Knox.

He wanted to run away with you too, that was often a scenario that replayed in his head a lot. Running away with you, starting a new and exciting life. Leaving all your troubles behind as you came to his plays, without Knox. Just to see and watch him.


~Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!

~Written on July 8th, 2021

~Word count: 882

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