Chapter 24

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That was my life I guess.

6 months, the same abuse, the same pain, the same trauma, the same tears, but no remorse.

No remorse for me, no remorse for anyone else.

I honestly don't know how I've survived these past months. I've had the worst punishments for tiny tiny things and I've been introduced to new punishments as well.

Once he discovered a tiny crease on his shirt, and like the unforgivable sin it was I had to have the same level punishment. He took the iron while it was piping hot iron and placed my hand on the ironing board and he placed it on my hands. When I begged him to stop he then pressed down on the iron even more and more. The pressure was unbearable, I was howling in pain.

Everyone had come to see the drama, from the maids to the family members. But not one helped me, they wouldn't be able to. He held all the power. When he finally let go and dismissed everyone.

Kaneez was yet again attending my wounds. She was silent until she said "Bibi I think you should run away. He won't leave you alive. He will skin you alive the first chance he has. For my sake please go! I don't want you to die here-"

She was cut off by a loud booming voice, "What bullshit are you teaching my wife?"

"S..Sahab I didn't mean it."

"Shut it you." He raised a hand in the air to silence her, he turned to me " why didn't you stop her? Are you really thinking of running, my dear wife?"

I turn my head slowly to face him, and out of nowhere my confidence showed up.

"Yes. Yes I am. And what will you do? Drag me back here for more beatings? If you knew I want worth all the investment then why did you go through with it? Hmm? I will leave Ismail and you will regret every I'll action of yours towards me. I promise you, you will regret."

He eyes darkened. "I don't know where this newfound confidence has come from, but I will remind you yet again. You will live with me until YOU die. You are not to escape and I will show you that I own you now. Come with me." He went for my arm and I flinched back. "Awww is my wife scared now? Did she bite off more than she can chew? You will still have face the consequences." He took my arm and started to go out of the room but not before turning to Kaneez and stating "your punishment is yet to come."

He dragged me through the house to the part of the house I had never dared to enter because with looked so sinister.

There he took me down a flight of stairs and threw me into the first vacant room.

I now await my punishment.

He came back with a whip, a rock and a simple black glove.

And he started him torture, first the whip, hitting the same places over and over again. Then he put on the glove and stated "I don't want your worthless blood on my hand."
And then the rock, he placed me the floor and banged it on my feet. Each strike harder than the last.

When was it going to end, I thought to myself.

"Never." Replied his gruff voice, "you are to live in this torture until the day you die."

And he left, he left me there in that windowless dark room for 2 days without any water or food.

And when I was let out, the real torture began.

He made me sit next to him facing a screen. The screen showed, some small room. Then enetered Kaneez followed by her husband. Then the beatings, he hit and beat her so much, she was barely breathing. I jumped out of my seat, ready to save her.

But he stopped me. "I swear if you don't sit your arse down right now, then I'll get him to kill her."

I sat down immediately. I didn't want her suffer more than she already done, all I could do is she'd tears and hope she was going to be ok.

1 minute passed, nothing changed.
5 minutes passed, nothing changed.

And then 10 minutes passed, she was scrawled on the floor, weeping heavily.

Her husband goes to pull out something from his pocket and it comes into view of the camera.

A gun.

He aims and shoots Kaneez before I could blink.

"NOOOOO!" Not her. Not Kaneez.

She lying in a puddle of her own blood and her husband finally realises what he's done.

Shock and and realisation flash through his eyes. But her eyes are now closed. Her lips are moving and then her body goes limp.

I stare in shock.

So that was just one of his worst punishments.

He killed my friend my only solace in this haveli. His excuse? Because she gave me confidence. Because of me not just one life went but 3. Kaneez was pregnant - 2 months. When her husband found out, he blamed me. Every time he saw me, he send slurs my way. But he pulled the trigger I didn't. Nor did I tell him to. After a month or so, he committed suicide because he couldn't take it. His conscious didn't allow him to live any longer.

It's been 3 months since Kaneez has died. I still couldn't believe it.

It pained my heart even more every day.

But I still lived. Allah wasn't planning to bring me to him anytime soon I guess.

Also after that incident I had lost my 'privilege' to sleep next to Ismail. So I was ordered to sleep in the floor, after he would use and abuse my body. He would push me off the bed and let me sleep on the cold hard surface.

But I couldn't care less. I...I was the reason for 3 lives to leave this world.

It's all my fault.

I couldn't save Kaneez....

I couldn't even save myself, how would I save her?

When was life going to become better?


How long would I suffer?

How long would I stay voiceless?

But the question is: Would I even survive?

Hollo! 👋

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