Chapter 14

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Today is the last A -Level exam and then I'll be free. Woo! Finally! I have worked my butt for these exams and I'm expecting amazing results because of this. It was hard work shoving 2 years of content into 3 month but Alhamdulillah I managed. Ismail helped me a lot. As today marked the last of my exams, Ismail decided to take me out. I don't know where but he said to dress nice. So here I am wearing a dress and full face of makeup into the exam hall. The only things I weren't wearing were my heels and lipstick as I have a habit of biting my lips and the lipstick would have been none existent within half an hour. So here goes, last exam. Bismillah.

-2 hours later-I was finally done with all my exams

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-2 hours later-
I was finally done with all my exams. I looked around the pick up zone to spot my dear hubby's car and there it was in all its glory, the iconic white Range Rover. A huge smile made its way onto my face, this often happens without me realising. I had accepted Ismail with my whole heart. I loved him with everything. Over these past 3 months, he had be been proving to me that he was the ideal husband, he had become my best friend, my protector, my lover and the one who would care for me until his last breath. Our marriage was going amazingly.

I jumped into the passenger's seat and got to work. He better be taking me somewhere fancy. I thought as I took off my trainers and slipped into my sleek black trainers. I grabbed my lipstick from my bag and started applying it. Halfway through I realised I hadn't bothered to acknowledge him. Whoops! He's probably pissed that I haven't paid him any attention since I got in. He was a weirdo like that.

"Salaam." I greet him as I turn to look at him. But my smile falters as soon as I lay eyes on him. He was wearing a casual tracksuit with his dishevelled hair, it looked like he just got out of bed. Oh! He was going to get it now! I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and started my rant. "Why the hell do you look like shit? Ismail! I thought we were going somewhere nice. I swear dare take me to a manky takeout place and I swear you won't be leaving that place alive! Ughhhh! You annoy me so much! I actually bothered for once! Look at ME! I swear I will kill you with my bare hands one d-" I was cut off as his lips crashed onto mine. Hungrily and passionately. Demanding for things I wasn't ready to give him. He had to have noticed my hesitation.

When he finally released my lips, my head snapped towards the car mirror and as expected her lipstick was smeared

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When he finally released my lips, my head snapped towards the car mirror and as expected her lipstick was smeared. Everywhere! Anger started to boil in my blood yet again. "Look! Look what you've done! You absolute idiot! Retard, could you not control yourself. And I don't have any makeup wipes either. FOR FFFF'SSS SAKE!" I shouted while searching my bag frantically, hoping - no, praying a makeup wipe would magically appear from somewhere. But no such luck for me.

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