Chapter 19

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It's been 3 weeks since the Walima, me and Ismail we....we are on better terms now. I still don't know if I forgive him, I guess time will tell. He's so cautious around me like I'm a glass doll or something, as if he didn't break my legs three weeks ago. I've tried to ask him about the transaction between him and my brother but he didn't let anything slip. I guess he would tell me when he wanted to. My legs had fully healed, but occasionally I would get slight pangs of pain from time to time. When I would get them I would have to stop all movements and hiss in pain, Ismail would look at me with a guilty glance and then proceed to walk off somewhere else which wasn't near me.

Anyway, I was fully a Pakistani resident. I had received my passport today. There really was no way out now.

-One week later-

I had spent the day with my mother in law as I usually do and Zara when she returns from college. I miss college, I was done with it but still I missed it. I missed the freedom I had, I'm not even allowed to step into the garden anymore. I had befriended the guards and would often talk to them frankly, this enraged both Ismail and his father. And I was beat up again, it wasn't as bad as last time, he didn't break anything he had just burnt my wrist the same one I had the guard touch when he was analysing my bracelet. From that day, I was ordered to stay inside and I did so. I didn't want to get any more punishments.

We made our way to the dining table to eat dinner. I took my seat between my mother in law and Zara, who was a bit better with me, I guess she gotten over what had happened. But I hadn't instead I had a new scar reminding me of my auqad (status) and the new restrictions put on me.

We took our seats and waited for Ismail's father to come, we weren't allowed to eat before he had come to the table - I have learned that the harder way. He takes his seat and so does Ismail. We put food on our plates and start eating, all except Ismail. I look up at him and see him staring at me, I raise my eyebrow in question and he narrows his eyes to a spot next to me. I follow his gaze and see my mother-in-law putting food in her husband's plate, I look back at him and shrug at him confused at what he's hinting at. He rolls his eyes, clears his throat and says "Ayla, serve me."

I look up from my plate again, "Normally you always put your food in yourself. What's wrong today?" I question.

He narrows his eyes and repeats "Ayla serve me my food."

"No" came the simple reply.

He gets up pushing the chair back with extreme force and comes round the table. He grabs my arm and pulls me up so I am looking him straight in his anger filled eyes and drags me to the his side of the table and pushes me into the chair. He grabs my chin and growls "Don't you dare ever disobey me again, understood?" To afraid to answer I nod my head. "Speak, you dumb bitch!"

"Ye..yes" came the meek reply.

"Now serve me," he lets go of my chin and he seats himself back down.

"Wh...wha....what want to" I asked.

"Put in what YOU think I'll eat." He states calmly.

I did just that and pass the plate to him. He looks at the plate in disgust and smashes it. "YOU DUMB BITCH! You've been married to me for so long and you don't even know what I like and dislike. Now, go to the kitchen and get me another plate, NOW!" He screams.

I scamper to the kitchen and receive the pitiful looks from the maids as Kaneez passes me a plate. I make my way back to the dining room and all of a sudden a loud voice makes me jump back in fear and I accidently let the plate slip out of my hands and break into tiny pieces like me.

In no time, Ismail is in front of me. He grabs my hair and sneers "I've had enough of your stupidity." He traps my arm in a vice like grip and continues to drag me upstairs in the direction of our bedroom. I'm screaming at him to let me go, I was afraid, terrified in fact of what he was going to do. I heard my mother in law shouting as well, but a slapping sound resonated through the house followed by silence. Ismail paid no heed as if it was a normal thing for his mother to be hit, maybe it was.

We reached our room and I was thrown on the floor, Ismail immediately turned and locked the door and placed the key in his pocket.

He turned and examined my helpless body scrawled on the floor for a few minutes. He smirked and crouched down. "Now my dear wife. I need to establish a few rules for you. Since you are incapable of just coming to realisation. First of all, you are to do every single task that's related to me like washing my clothes BY HAND, YOU need to serve me at every meal of the day everyday and because of the stunt you pulled today. You are NOT to sit at the table with everyone, you will stand behind for my ease, YOU will eat with the maids and you will only eat my left overs, so if nothing remains in my plate you are to eat nothing, NOTHING. Rest assured, if you do eat something else there are multiple people who will report to me and you WILL be punished. So don't even think about it, ok? I want my clothes to be washed by your delicate hands and to be ironed crisply, not one crease on them. You are now to cook my breakfast for me. For me alone. I won't make you cook the rest cause you'll have other chores to worry about, wont want to stress my poor wife, would I?" He says with a sweet smile.

"You need to be up at 5:30 am breakfast must be laid for me at 7am. You need to see me off at the door and give me my keys and phone and shoes and at 6pm everyday you must be there to greet me and take any folders from my hands. Every morning my clothes must be laid out for me and when I return I expect some casual clothes to be laid out. Understood?" I nod. "Second of all, never disobey whatever I say must be done at that instance. Lastly you need to satisfy me in bed every night. Don't ever deny me, ok?" I nod frantically. "Now. My wife its time for your punishment." He says evilly.


So yeah. That was traumatising.

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