Ch. 38 - Road

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A/N: felt like switching up the POV for this chapter. Mic needs some time in the spotlight.
Have fun reading!

Hizashi POV

     We helped izuku tear down his posters and threw a bunch of stuff into donation boxes. I noticed his desk looked pretty old and banged up so I suggested we get him a new one, and he refused at first, saying it was too expensive. I figured out that if I said I had too much money and needed to get rid of it, he would let me spend it on him. It's not a total lie, I have more money than I know what to do with between my three jobs. Now I get to spoil him.

     He and Shinso picked out a color for the walls online, and I had someone pick it up from the hardware store and deliver it to his dorm half an hour later. Sho agreed to help paint the walls, because let's be honest he would do anything for Izuku, and while he started on that I looked at desks online with our son.

     Eventually we called Shinso over to ask where he got his desk, so we could order the same one. Izuku liked it and he thought it would look good if the two desks that were going to be in the room matched. I agreed, and we placed the order, along with the matching chair.

     When Shota was almost done with the second wall, Shinso walked over to open the balcony door to let some fresh air in while I brought the donation boxes downstairs to be picked up. It was getting kind of late and I realized we never had lunch, so I placed a delivery order for dinner on my way back upstairs.

     Izuku looked genuinely happy as he spoke to Shota about the paint color, and I didn't miss Shinso staring at him with a soft look. I smiled at the sight before making myself known, announcing that I ordered food.

     It was starting to get dark when Sho finished painting, Shinso having jumped in to help with a second roller after we ate. Shota and I walked the two kids back to Shinso's dorm for the night, and I wished Izuku a goodnight. Sho did too, and it was really cute. I always knew he would be a good father, after all he's just a big teddy bear on the inside. Correction: a teddy bear who will murder you in your sleep if you hurt someone he cares about. Perfect husband material, if you ask me.

     We walked back to the teachers dorm in the dark, fingers intertwined.


     Shota got up at 5:30 AM and got ready for training with Shinso. I only half remember begging him to come back to bed with me before falling asleep again and waking up to my own alarm at eight. I got ready and did my Sunday morning hero patrols from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, which ended up being super uneventful. I ended up doing part of it with Nemuri though, and we had some fun with school gossip and talking to fans, but other than that nothing really happened.

     Shinso's training should have ended about two hours ago, so I changed into my casual clothes and made my way over to Izuku's dorm. When I got there Shinso was trying to drag a really big box into the elevator, and his whole body was shaking with exertion. Poor kid, Sho must've overworked him again.

     I rushed over to help him and he thanked me as we rode the elevator up to Izuku's room.

     "So, I take it Izuku's doing okay by himself now?" I ask when I realize the two are not together.

     "Oh, he uhm, he wanted to try staying alone for a few minutes so we're trying it out. I just went down to get the desk here," he gestures to the box, "and come right back." He puts a hand behind his neck nervously.

     "Are you worried about him?" He seems to freeze, before resuming his nervous rubbing.

     "Is it that obvious?" He asks, and I laugh quietly.

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