Chapter 41 - Confronting the Madre

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Ryder's POV🐯

I can't help but feel nervous for Anna and pissed off at her mum. Just when I finally get her all to myself the woman calls, and right now I can literally feel the waves of fear emitting off Anna as she sits in the car watching the road as I drive. It makes me wonder about how bad her mum really must be for Anna to be so terrified that it was past her curfew. I mean I know everyone's generally scared of their parents, but this was different, Anna looked so scared and terrified that it was breaking my heart. 

She was yet to answer her mum's call although her mum had called her around five times while we were leaving to hers. When I asked her why she wasn't answering she told me that she had texted her mum that she was late from school but that she would deal with her mum when she got home. I look over at her for the millionth time because she was quiet and see her clenching her fists in her lap. I lean over and slowly cover my hand over hers while I continue driving. 

She looks up and smiles at me nervously. I sneak a look at her again "What is it Anna, is it going to be that bad at home that you need to literally break your knuckles "I run my thumb soothingly over her hand. 

She looks at me and smiles nervously before she looks back ahead "It's just that I know something is wrong Ryder, she's super mad, otherwise, she wouldn't call me a hundred times, the last time this happened was when me and my friends went out to the pizza shop and one of mum's friends saw us there and told her. She was so mad because I had broken my diet and not told her, this though feels like a hundred times worse, but I just don't know what it I'm nervous"

I squeeze her hand comfortingly as we pull into the road leading to her house. She squeezes my hand back and sighs. "Can you drop me off here Ryder and I'll walk home?

"What the fuck" I grit out "I am not dropping you off so far away from your home. I need to make sure that you get home safe" I look at her sternly only to be met with her pleading eyes "Please Ryder don't do this, can you please drop me off and you can watch me walk in." She looks at me her eyebrows furrowed in agony.

I shake my head in exasperation and although I don't like the idea of her walking alone, I don't want to add on to her list of dramas for tonight. I let out a soft breath and pull over onto the sidewalk a little further from her home, but close enough so that I can watch her walk. I turn around and look at her as she takes off her seatbelt.

I miss her already and I cant help but feel so protective and worried for her so I reach over and gather her into a hug which she melts into "Let me know if anything happens and call me if you need me to pick you up ok "I whisper into her hair as I inhale her scent. I feel her nodding her head and i lean back to cup her face with my hands "I miss you already princess" I leave a chaste kiss on her lips all the while wondering why I was acting like such a big poofter around her. 

I watch as she leaves the car and waves at me shyly before she takes off sprinting to her house. I sit there for a few seconds after she goes in. My gut feeling tells me that something is not right and I cant resist the urge to check on her although I know she wouldn't want that at all. I quickly send her a message asking her if she is ok, but there is no response. I sit there annoyed and pissed and I shake my head in frustration. 

Honestly I was being serious about her moving in with me when I asked her and although I could sense her hesitation I couldn't help but keep suggesting the idea over and over, hoping that maybe she would be crazy enough and just say yes. Its just that I would be able to keep an eye on her and make sure that no one could hurt her. 

I hit the steering wheel in frustration. Who the fuck was I kidding, I just wanted her with me because I wanted her with me 24/7 to the point where I was becoming a possessive freak who wanted his girlfriend with him the entire time. I groan thinking about a hundred reasons why I should give her space and let her deal with her mum, I mean she did agree to calling me if she needed something. But what if something happens and its too late. 

I give into the urge to check up on her. Worst case I would deal with her wrath tomorrow. Having made up my mind now I drive ahead and pull up to her gate. As I step out and walk in I see the door to her house was open, and I quickly walk up briskly . As I get closer I can hear sounds of screaming and shouting and also of something breaking. My heart quickens as I step in through her door just in time to see Anna's mother slap her right across the face and she falls over onto the floor.

 All I see is red and I rush over to her and pick her up while I turn to face her mother "Who the fuck do you think you are to hit her?" I glare at Anna's mother who is fuming and staring at me right now. I look around and see glass all over the floor where her mother had evidently broken something. I turn around and check Annas face to see a bruise forming under her eye while she is sobbing. I pull her close to me and I hug her. The only thought crossing my mind right now was that I was glad that I came to check up on her.

I look at her mum who was was now glaring at me full of rage. "Who the fuck am I? " She slurs and that's when I realize the bitch was drunk when she continues. "I am her fucking mother, plus she's got makeup to cover that bruise on her face, you think I would do anything to hurt the only thing she's got going for her" Her mum staggers over and grabs Anna's arm trying to pull her over to her. I yank her arm off and put Anna behind me "Don't fucking touch her" I spit out " Be grateful that I don't hit women or else I would have broken that hand of yours's for touching what's mine"

Her mum looks shocked for a second before she recovers and then her lips curl up in a disgusted snarl "You are that delinquent that Dylan said my daughter's hanging out with, get out of my house you asshole or I am going to call the cops on you" She looks at me like I was an insect and that gets my blood boiling more. 

"I don't want to be in your house anymore than you want me here, I'm leaving and I'm taking what's mine." Although my voice is calm I am raging on the inside right now. Anna's mum lunges onto me and I push her off as she screams ''She is my daughter, if you try to take her I will call the cops" 

I stare at her disgusted as she leans against the wall "Call the cops, I am sure they would like to hear about how you're beating up your daughter, imagine what your neighbors would say" 

The last statement of mine causes her mothers face to pale and I feel even more furious about how that was what she cared about. Her reputation and what her neighbors would think about her definitely got a rise from her. Not once did she check to see if Anna was fine. I turn around and look at Anna "Lets go" 

Her face was puffy and tears were streaming down her face " I ..Ryder. We have school" she starts stuttering and then she stops and wraps her arms around me before she starts sobbing. 

I slowly pull her back and look at her intently "Now Anna, we need to leave now" She nods her head at me and I hold her by the hand and pull her along to the door As I am about to leave I stop and turn around and look at her mother one last time. She was now sitting on the floor her back against the wall just staring into space. I stare at her disgusted at her very existence before I continue in a sarcastic tone "Oh and by the way, in case that twat Dylan didn't tell you my name is Ryder and I am your daughter's boyfriend, I may be a fucking delinquent but your daughter's happiness means more to me than it obviously does to you" 

She doesn't respond and I walk out with Anna holding my hand.  I look at her again making my mind up that I wasn't ever letting my princess set foot in here again. 

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