Chapter 37 - Getting to know him

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Annabeth POV 💖

I groggily open my eyes and reach out for my phone to check the time. It's almost 3 am and I sit up straight as I hear the sound that woke me up again. A faint clunking sound. I rub my eyes and turn the bedside lamp on when I hear the noise again. I could tell that it was coming from my window, almost as if someone was tapping on it. 

Now considering how it was, 3 am when spirits come out to haunt I sit there for a few more seconds contemplating if I was better off just crawling under the covers and praying until it was morning. I hear the clunk sound again and I stand up gingerly and walk over to my window and open it and almost scream when I see a shadowy figure hoisting itself through my usual escape route out the window. A hand reaches in and it clamps my mouth before I can really scream. 

"Princess it's me" I hear Ryder's voice and I help him in before shutting the window "Oh my god you scared did you? What are you doing here?" 

Ryder looks at me sheepishly "Uhh Colton said that you used to sneak out of the window in the back of your house, so I kinda came here and figured it out" I step back and look at him. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black tee and he looked quite handsome like always. I watch as he looks at me up and down and bites his lip as his eyes cloud with lust. I blush because I was wearing short shorts and a mickey mouse crop top with no bra on. I quickly dive under the covers and pull my blankets over my chest while he smirks at me. 

Surprisingly he doesn't make any dirty comments which I find strange. He kicks his shoes off and gestures to me to move over and climbs under the covers. He leans against the headboard and pulls me closer with his arm around me. "I called you, you didn't answer?" he mumbles. I lean over him and take my phone to check "I umm, I didn't have your number so I didn't know it was you"

"Hmm" he mumbles and he grabs my phone and saves his number as Boyfriend on my phone. I snort "Really..."

He looks at me and smiles "Yea just in case you need some reminding". He leans down and kisses me on the forehead and I rest my head on his chest hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat. I inhale his scent and wrap my arms around him as he plays with my hair. "What are you doing here Ryder?" I look up at him my chin on his chest.

He looks into my eyes and sighs '' I thought after today's incident that you were done with me, especially when you didn't answer the phone so wanted to say that I was sorry about earlier and .."

I cover his mouth with my hand my heart clenching at the hopeless look in his eyes. "No, dont apologize..." I smile at him softly "I shouldn't have been so pushy. I mean dont get me wrong I still really want to get to know all of you, but I should have given you the time and space to open up rather than push you so much, " 

He slowly peels my hand off his mouth and smiles softly at me as he pulls me up and crushes me into a hug "What have I done to deserve you...I was really mean to you. I didn't mean what I said earlier about your mum, we all go through our own personal hell's and I have no right to belittle what you are going through... will you forgive me and please dont leave me?" he mumbles into my hair

I lean out of his hug and pull his face down and kiss his lips softly "There is nothing to forgive and we are going to have a hundred of these kinda fights, no one is going to leave anyone especially me. I can't even believe you thought I would leave you over one silly fight" I hit his chest slightly smiling at him 

He grins and then gets off the bed and starts pulling his jeans off and then stops midway ''I... I couldn't sleep coz we had a fight and I started thinking about things from the past and I dont know I just had to see you.. can I stay here with you tonight, I'll leave early" 

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