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A/N: If any of the artists are not okay with me using the art just comment and I will change it immediately! And wow two chapters in one day you guys are getting spoiled 😌

TW: Swearing, Mentions of Blood.


Ranboo POV

"Well then. We can uh- nevermind I have no clue how to get back" Tommy said

"Hey do any of you know how to fish?" I heard from beside me. It was Tubbo.
"My dad taught me how to fish a few years back. We don't have anything to fish with though" I replied, looking off into the sunrise.
"Look." Tubbo said. I looked over and saw him holding a homemade fishing rod, and some worms.
"Oh yeah this would totally work" I said, getting up as Tubbo handed me the fishing rod.
"Where the fuck are we going to find a river?" I heard Tommy blurt out from behind me.
"Over there!" Tubbo replied, pointing at a lake only a little to the left.
Tubbo looked over and smiled at me as we started heading towards the lake. When we got there Tommy and Tubbo sat down watching me, ominously.
I thought to myself, "They look like freaking stalker's" I brushed it off and set up the fishing rod.

10 minutes later I felt a tug on the rod.
"Hey guys I think I got something!" I exclaimed, before pulling the fishing rod out from the water. When I pulled it out there was no fish, and the hook was flying towards me. I tried to throw the fishing rod to the right but it failed, latching the hook of the rod onto my hand
"OW!" I screamed.
"Hey you okay?" Tubbo said, getting up and walking quickly over to me.
"Yeah I think I will be fine if I take the hook out" I replied, taking it out slowing. I winced in pain before tossing the hook into the lake.

I looked at my hand and there was a small but deep cut with blood slowing dripping from it.
"Do you two have anything that I can wrap this in?" I asked, looking back and forth between them.

Tommy POV

"Nope. We didn't bring anything remember?" I said, emphasizing the remember while looking at Ranboo
Tubbo rolled his eyes and looked over at me, "Don't be rude he was just asking"
"I wasn't trying to be rude" I replied, flipping Tubbo off
"Fuck you too." Tubbo said, in a kind of joking tone.
"Uh guys maybe we should stop bickering? It looks like a storm is coming. We should head back to the cave for a bit" Ranboo said after an awkward amount of silence. "Maybe on the way we could find something for my hand too" I could hear him mumble.
"Yeah sure" Tubbo replied before starting to head to the cave.
"Hey wait for me!" I yelled. I got up and walked quickly to catch up with them.

Tubbo POV

We were walking for a few minutes before I noticed some leaves and string. I picked them up before saying, "Hey we could wrap the leaf around your hand with the string"
Ranboo looked at me, towering above. "He is so fucking tall" I thought to myself.
"Uh here" I said, wrapping the leaf around his hand, and tying up the string.
I looked up to him before smiling, him smiling back
"Please don't make me the fucking third wheel" I heard Tommy say, bringing me back to reality.
"What do you mean third wheel?" I asked.
"Nothing" He mumbled, before we started heading to cave.

When we got there we all sat down in a corner.
"So. Is there anything we can do while we wait for the storm to pass over?" Tommy said, right before it started to pour.
"Yeah I brought a deck of cards. We could play some card games" I replied, taking out the cards from my pocket.
"Mhm" I replied, smiling, before passing the cards out evenly between the three of us.


Conclusion: Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy try to go fishing. Ranboo gets hurt while fishing and they decide to head back to the cave because a storm is coming.

Tysm for reading! Remember to stay hydrated! 😊
And vote if you would like to! 👀
Bye! ❤️

(Ew what is this flat colored heart ♥️)

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