chapter 5

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It was Just after we got back from Kurts first Chemotherapy treatment and I was snuggled up to Kurt, His head was resting gently on my chest. "I feel like shit," he mumbled. "I know baby, I wish I could take it all away," I said not really knowing what else to say. It was hard trying to figure out what to say, some things can make Kurt cry for hours like if you mentioned anything about his mother who died of cancer when he was 8, or about his dad's heart attack a few years ago.

I ran my hand through his hair and a huge chunk came out which was maybe a fist full in the back, "shit," I mumbled. "No, no, no, no, no, no! It can't be coming out already!" Kurt cried. "It's ok babe, what do you want me to do?" I asked "have dad bring a razor and bandana's I can't watch it cone out," he cried, his hands were shaking when he tried to wipe away his tears so I did it for him. "Ok, Ill be right back," I said getting up off the bed and going out into the hall.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket (miracle it even stayed in my pocket considering I was wearing skinny jeans), I scrolled through my contacts until I found Burts name and pressed the call button.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" Burt asked when he answered the phone. "Good news Kurt reacted really well to the Chemo, bad news is that his hairs coming out and he wants it gone so can you bring a razor and some bandana's and also bring me a change of clothes because I have a good chunk of Kurt's hair on my clothes." I said pretty much all in one breath. "Sure thing kiddo, how's Kurt handling his hair coming out?" Burt asked "not well, he's crying right now," I sighed. "Ok, I'll be over in out about an hour, are you staying the night with him?" Burt asked. "I don't want him to be along so yeah," I responded. "Ok, see you in a but kiddo," Burt said "Ok bye dad." I said, before changing up the phone, ok that slipped out, i didn't mean to call him dad, but I had been living with the Hummel's for almost 6 months and their the best parents in the world so why can't I call them "mom and dad".

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