chapter 2

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"I'm sorry to inform you that you have CLL witch stands for Chronic lymphocytic leukemia," she said. "wait, Leukemia like in cancer?" Burt asked in shock, "yes Mr. Hummel, we caught it early so we can treat it but it's still going to be a long hard fight," Dr. Taylor. "can I go home tonight or something?" Kurt asked. "sorry, but no, we're going to start you on Chemo in 2 weeks and we'd like to keep you here until then and while you're going through Chemo we're going to keep you here to lower the risk of infection," Dr. Taylor said we all nodded understanding, and soon a wheelchair came to take Kurt to his room since he was so weak.

"you don't have to stay with me Blaine, I mean, damn, I'm going to lose all my hair and I'm going to be ugly, I'm going to feel like shit, and probably going to be throwing up every 5 minutes," Kurt said when he got to his room and I was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking him deeply in his gorgeous blue eyes. Burt and Carole were going home to get Kurt some clothes and Burt was going to bring them back, I was going to be staying with Kurt that night so they were also bringing me some clothes.

"Baby, I don't care if you lose all your hair, I'll shave my head too, and when you throw up I'll be there to rub your back and tell it's all going to be ok because it is, we're going to beat this together and we'll have the rest of our lives together, I fell in love with you and I'll always be there for you Kurt, I'll be there for every chemo treatment, I'll hold you when you need it, I'll be there when you go into remission and you can come home, and I'll be there when you can come back to glee," I said, "and when you go into remission I'll talk to Burt and Carole about us going to New York for a little getaway to celebrate," I added pecking Kurt's lips,

"How did I get so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend," Kurt asked kissing me gently. "because you forgot your map of Dalton," I smirked, "Still don't regret moving back to McKinley," he smirked. "I don't either babe, I don't either," I sighed looking at the beautiful boy in front of me. I wish I could have taken all his pain away so we didn't have to go through this, but I couldn't so all I could do was just be by his side no matter what and Love him through everything.

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