chapter 3

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it was the next day and I was cuddling Kurt close to my chest while we were watching moulin rouge, "baby, promise me if I die you'll sing me come what my while I take my last breath so your voice is the last thing I hear," Kurt asked, "babe, your not going to die, I don't want you to think that way, but I promise I will if it does happen," I said squeezing him a little tighter, "you're the most wonderful boyfriend ever," he sighed happily, "your the most wonderful boyfriend in the world and I will never let you go," I whispered lovingly, Kurt was wearing a pair of MY sweatpants and one of MY sweatshirts that he stole from me but he looked absolutely adorable in the outfit. 

Burt came around to the hospital not long after so I could go home, change, have a shower, and get some food, when I got into the elevator (child cancer unite was on the  5th floor,) I felt my phone buzz, I pulled it out and I saw it was my mom or well egg donor since she obviously didn't want to be my mom. 

Pamela Anderson: Hey Blaine, I know you probably don't want to hear this but I'm sorry what I said to you the night we kicked out, I've done my research and I understand that you can't help the way you are, I understand more now and except you, I don't want to be on bad terms with you anymore and I want you to move back in with us, I filed for divorce from your father for what he did and I promise things will be better, please just come home.

After reading that I didn't know what to reply with, she isn't my mom, Carole is my mom like my dad isn't my dad Burt is my dad, Pamela and Fredrick (my dad) can't replace the love and affection I get from them, I thought for a few minutes then started to type a reply, 

Me: I accept your apology but I refuse to come home, Burt and Carole are my legal guardians and they are my parents, you and Fredrick are just sperm and egg donors, I also can't leave Kurt, he has been diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) only last night and I'm going to be spending most nights and days in the hospital with him so even if I did move back in with you and Fredrick I wouldn't be home much. I love you Pamela but I am more happy and healthy without you in my life, I need to be with the Hummels and I can't leave Kurt the way he is right now, I man Burt was the one who taught me how to drive and how to shave, and Carole gave me "the talk", you and Fredrick never did any of that. Kurt needs me more then ever right now and I can't leave hime 

she responded almost instantly

Pamela Anderson: I understand Blaine, I'm sorry to hear about Kurt and I'll be praying for both of you, can we at least meet up sometime to catch up, I really miss you and I made you and Kurt matching Christmas sweaters. I'll also make Kurt some hats for when his hair falls out.

I smiled at her response, I might be able to get her back into my life a little at a time. by the time I finished reading her last response, I was at the first floor so I waited to get into Burt's pickup truck to respond to her last text. 

Me: that would be nice Pamela, I think Kurt would appreciate the hats and I can't wait to see the Christmas sweaters, 

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