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"You're an idiot, Garrett." Garrett whispered to himself as he drove away from Shea's house. He hadn't mean to go crawling back to Asher like a pathetic ex-girlfriend, but he was terribly trusting, and returned kindness with kindness. Asher may have fallen out of his favor in the recent days, but that didn't dilute the years of friendship Asher had awarded him. Besides, Garrett had faith in Asher as a person, and he was sure.. well he was hoping.. that Asher would have the common sense to do the right thing. On top of that Garrett was more than a little drunk, and not in the best head space. He'd actually been looking forward to spending the night with Simon and Shea and having some chill time away from his life. Garrett also hoped he hadn't just screwed up everything. Truth be told he really liked Shea, and wanted to maintain the friendship the two shared. Doing something like he did was bad for a friendship, but if Asher stopped to breathe, things would be alright.

Garrett found himself driving past his house and deeper into the city. His intention was to go home, but there weren't any cars in the drive, and it looked too lonely. Instead he made his way to a bar. Garrett was tall, and he had a bit of a five o'clock shadow, so he was sure he could pass for 21. That, combined with a fake ID, and Garrett could guarantee himself a fun night, at least a better night than falling asleep on the couch. Garrett got into the bar with no problem, and ordered a simple beer, his second of the night, and began to drink on his stool. It was a crowded night at the bar for whatever reason, and it made Garrett a little wistful.

"Hey. This seat taken?" A voice called from beside him, and Garrett turned to see a woman probably in her late twenties with black hair, and dark-ish eyes.

"Nope."Garrett smiled. He would rather be with a stranger than be alone.

"What's your deal?" The woman asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like what do you do for a living?" The woman clarified. She had a warm friendly face, and made Garrett want to open up to her.

"I'm... uh.. still in college." Garrett lied.

"I don't think so." The woman grinned. "You're still in high school."

"Woah. How'd you know that? Are you like a psychic?"

"Yes." The woman affirmed, "But that's not how I knew. You're still wearing your Letterman jacket." Garrett looked down to realize he was in fact wearing a high school Letterman jacket that stated his graduation year on the back. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

"How come you're being so nice to me?"

"Perhaps I have an ulterior motive." She smirked, "I'm Danielle by the way." She held out a hand. Her nails were sharp and red, and for some reason made Garrett not want to touch her hand, but he did to avoid appearing rude.


"Well. Why don't we get out of here, Gary." She leaned to whisper in his ear.

"What do you mean?" Garrett pulled back.

"My place is just down the street." The woman stated. "Want to come with me... for protection."


"You're sure you're alright to go to school today?" Liam asked Simon as he walked into the kitchen. Simon had woken up early, and made Liam breakfast. "You can stay home if you want today. I won't tell Grandpa."

"You worry to much." Simon smiled. He was trying to say what was on his mind more often, in hopes of preventing future internal outbursts.

"I think I worry just enough." Liam didn't match Simon's smile, but avoided pressing the matter further. "I am driving you today, and I'll pick you up too."

"I can live with that." Simon relented, pouring Liam a glass of orange juice. "How are you? You seemed really scared last night."

"Well that's because you really scared me."

"I'm sorry.. I'll try to-" Simon began.

"I want you to tell me immediately if you feel like that again. Don't try and keep it from me, just tell me, and I can help." Liam insisted.

"Alright." Simon ruffled Liam's blonde hair, "Finish up slowpoke, or we're going to be late."

Simon and Liam packed into Liam's car, and drove the short distance to Simon's school, and Simon bid his brother goodbye, and hopped out of the car. Simon felt better after his awful night, he almost felt like the prior night had been nothing more than a relapse. He had taken his destiny into his own hands, and that was scary, but it was also exciting, and he decided to focus on the prospects of the future rather than the impending dread. The last night wasn't a sign to stop, he decided, but just a manifestation of his nerves. Simon was determined to move forward instead of moving backwards, even if his anxiety wasn't on board. The fear was still a part of something, but for some reason in the winter sun it felt obsolete. Simon didn't see Kit until his lunch period, but by that time he was bursting to talk to his friend. It had been a good day, if not a little bit lonely. Mostly he had been spending time with his friend Asher when he wasn't with Kit, but he hadn't been able to spot Asher either.

"Hey. Simon called, and walked over to his usual lunch table, where Kit was already sat. Kit smiled brightly at him and waved in response. "I did a bad thing." Simon exclaimed as he set his tray down at the table.

"Finally!" Kit teased, "Tell me, today's been boring as hell."

"I kissed a boy!" Simon whispered.


"That's it." Simon shrugged his shoulders.

"I've kissed thousands of boys." Kit lied.

"No you haven't you already told me you haven't had your first kiss yet."

"I meant in here." Kit pointed to his head.

"You don't think that makes me a whore?"

"Oh of course." Kit assured, "But it's fine, I'm a whore too."

"Shut up." Simon frowned, "Someone might hear you!"

"Eh.. Wait, Asher was home all last night. Who'd you kiss?"

"I can't tell you that!" Simon exclaimed, "That would be a breach of privacy."

"That's the whole point of being friend's with someone!" Kit leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. "You're such a meanie. Now I just have to wonder who it is, and probably drive myself insane in the process." Simon rolled his eyes at Kit's gross exaggeration. From across the room both boys spotted Shea walk into the cafeteria, and Simon offered a shy wave. Shea walked quickly from the lunch line, and sat next to Simon. He eyed Simon curiously, as the boy refused to acknowledge him and looked down at his food.

"No." Kit demanded. "No way in hell, that you two..." Kit began looking from boy to boy. "No. No absolutely not. No no no NO no." He looked back to Simon, "Simon you kissed-"

"Shush!" Simon scolded.

"Hey.. uh. Simon? I was wondering if we could talk for a minute." A voice called from behind the table and all three boys turned around to see Asher standing tall behind Simon's chair. Kit's eyes grew to the size of saucers, and he covered his mouth to hide his expression.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Kit stated. "Shea, can you come help me?

"What could you possibly need help with in the bath-"

"JUST COME!" Kit demanded, and pulled Shea up by the ear. "You two talk, and we'll just be over here."

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