Forget It

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     Simon dashed in the front door, and pushed it closed behind him. His cheeks were a little pink, but he was glad he'd stood his ground with Asher. Confidence was an ever fleeting venture, but when he could he liked to grasp it. Simon exhaled as he leaned against the door. He wasn't out super late, but the sky was dark outside the door, and all of the lights were off.

     "Who was that?" A voice called from the living room. He stepped out of the entry way until he could see a single lamp with his brother sitting under it.

      "Shit" Simon muttered. That evening he had been supposed to leave school so he could spend time with his brother on his birthday.

      "Waited for you for hours so I think I have a right to know."

     "It was nobody."

     "It didn't look like nobody." Liam tilted his head to the side. From his closer position Simon smell the scent of Alcohol in the air. The more his eyes adjusted he could even make out bottles surrounding his brother, "In fact it looked just like Asher Ericsson." Simon's breath hitched in his throat. "Now what would you be doing with Asher Ericsson after I told you to stay away from him? Why would you be standing me up to spend time with him." He spat the last part.

     "Liam I.."

     "Save it.  I told you to come right home." Liam face was blank but his eyes were formidable.

     "I got distracted... I"

     "Got distracted? Like a scatterbrained asshole. Do you know what I do for you, and you're just an ungrateful little prick." Liam whispered.

     "No.. I'm very grateful for everything that you do for me."

     "No you're fucking not. You're just a spoiled little brat. I'm going to bed. Don't bother me." Liam stormed out of the room so Simon wouldn't see his eyes well up. He didn't want to say anything else he'd regret the next morning, especially not when he was drunk. He and Simon had fights before, and Liam would always come back with his tail between his legs, but they Liam had never been drunk when it happened before. He was sure Simon was still in the living room crying, and he tried to stop himself from caring, but he did. He cared a hell of a lot more than he'd ever admit. Liam never liked when Simon had friends. He wanted Simon's full and complete attention. No he needed Simon's full attention to make up for the lack of attention he got as a child. That made him feel selfish, that he traded Simon's happiness for his own, but he hoped there could come a time when he could make Simon happy. He didn't want Simon to need others. He just wanted to be enough.

     Asher was a new name bouncing around Liam's head, and with a new name came a new insecurity. Who was this boy? Was he dangerous? Would he hurt Simon? Why did Simon blush when he talked about him? Of course when Simon didn't come home Liam's mind buried itself further, and the alcohol tainted the thoughts to- What if Simon is with him? What if Simon chooses him over me? Does Simon like him better than me? What if Simon doesn't need me anymore. Liam's brain was a war zone, brain cells falling like soldiers in the no mans land that made up his consciousness. He knew he was unhealthy, and getting drunk wasn't helping that, but Liam's father left him because he wasn't good enough, what if Simon came to the same conclusion? Liam had just about thrown his life away, so he really had nothing left now.


     Simon sat on the couch for what felt like hours, until his tears carried him off to sleep. He felt horrible for having forgotten about his day with Liam, and now they'd never get to have it. Liam had good days and bad days, and he was fairly certain he'd just set off a string of terrible ones. The next morning he woke up to smell of eggs cooking on the stove. He wandered into the kitchen where Liam stood with a pan making two omelets.

     "Hey baby bro." Liam smiled.

     "Hi?" Simon asked. He felt as if he had just entered into the matrix.

     "I made you breakfast." Liam grinned and handed Simon a full plate.

     "Thank you." Simon replied. His brain was still in fight mode, and it was weird to be around Liam when he was like this.

     "Could we talk?" Liam asked after they had finished eating.

     "Sure." Simon answered, and Liam led him over to the couch where they sat down next to each other.

     "I wanted to apologize for last night." Liam's smile faded and his eyes grew somber, "I was in a bad place, and I took it out on you, and that wasn't cool." Liam wrapped his arm loosely around Simon, "I'm just stressed with everything, and I really want the best for you."

     "It's alright. You can vent to me whenever if you need to."

     "Sure." Liam lied. He couldn't imagine the thought of plaguing Simon with his problems, and was certain he'd never take his brother up on the offer. "Sometimes I just feel like you're replacing me with them..."

     "I could never replace you." Simon grinned, and instead of responding Liam just affectionately rubbed his hair.

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