Study Hall

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Shea and Garrett walked together to their study hall. Shea hadn't realized Garrett had been in his class, and the constant presence of the taller boy was already on his nerves. He planned to talk to Simon alone, and Garrett would only get in the way of that. Shea sighed wistfully, not even sure if Simon still wanted to see him. Perhaps if Asher hadn't gotten involved the two of them would already be together. True, he wasn't sure of much with Simon, and his feelings had never seemed to be reciprocated. Either way Asher had become a gigantic roadblock in his life that he didn't want to deal with.

"What's wrong?" Garrett asked as they walked to class. Shea turned to the other boy, a football jock like Asher, but Asher was cunning and deliberate whereas Garrett was bumbling, and a bit slower to understand things. Though Garrett was kinder than Asher, and more inquisitive. The boy had a backwards baseball cap covering his curly brown hair, and piercing green eyes which formed the focal point of his face. Garrett was tall, not as tall as Asher, but taller than Shea, who was taller than Simon.

"Not now, Garrett." Shea scolded, as he caught sight of Simon walking into the hallway. He'd picked this period because they had it together, and had nothing to do, but also because neither of the Ericsson brothers, who seemed to make up Simon's bodyguards shared the period with them. "Hey." Shea said as he sat down next to Simon, followed by Garrett who resembled something of a lost puppy.

"Hi." Simon answered awkwardly. They hadn't quite reconciled, but were not really fighting anymore, which left for a strange uncertain position. "What's up?" Simon smiled slightly; a peace offering.

"I wanted to know if you'd like to come over tonight and do something. My issue that we couldn't see each other took care of itself." Shea ran a hand through his hair.

"Um.. Alright. Sure." Simon looked to Garrett. "Hello Garrett. How's your sister?"

"She's fine. Expected to make a full recovery within the month." Garrett grinned, locking eyes with Simon. Shea offered only a strange look.

"You two know each other?" Shea asked.

"Not well, but his sister is in my service group, and she's terribly sick." Simon smiled genuinely, "But it's good to hear she's feeling better. Tell Allie I said 'Hello."

"Will do." Garrett stated and along with Simon sat back and carried on with homework. Shea eyed Garrett from his chair, as the boy lazily pushed a light brown curl off his tanned brow and shifted to the left in his chair. Garrett lifted his hand to his chin, and laughed slightly as he opened a message on his phone. Shea had always thought of the other boy as one of Asher's goons, and had only hung out with him to hurt Asher in the long run. He'd never stopped to consider that Garrett had a life outside of school.

"Hey... I'm sorry about your sister. I didn't know."

"It's fine. She's recovering." Garrett smiled. "Hey. I've been in and out of doctors offices and hospitals all week and I could really use a break... Could I maybe tag along tonight? I promise you won't even know I'm there. I just don't want to be alone, and my parents have a meeting with a doctor out on the Cape..."

"Of course you can Garrett." Shea responded. Garrett opened to an easy smile and leaned back in his seat.

"Usually I'd try to hang out with Asher, but since... you know... things have gotten weird." Garrett itched under his hat nervously.

"It's no big deal."

"Hey. Did you talk to Simon about-" Garrett began, and Simon looked up from his book with a quizzical look. Shea stopped Garrett by slapping a hand over the other boy's mouth.

    "Not now, Garrett!" Shea whispered and Simon raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.


Simon walked home from school slowly. He felt especially happy to have his jacket, but he wished he'd thought to ride his bike. School wasn't far from home, but the walk stretched out into the distance. Simon kept a good pace, and let his shoulders square back. He wasn't sure how to feel about going to Shea's. The last time he went to Shea's house he'd had a good time, but Shea was a completely different person to him from that point forward.

The house was lonely, being that Liam had been practicing with his team more and more, and Simon thought he never really saw his brother anymore. He'd wanted them to turn over a new leaf, but he barely saw his brother, and that sucked. Shea was supposed to be picking him up, so he didn't need to worry about getting a ride. He wished Shea would come faster, being that he was beginning to detest being alone, especially now that he knew what it was like to be ... not alone. Simon was determined to never be alone again.

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