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A few weeks passed and Simon remained alone. True, most everything else that made school unbearable had ceased, but Simon wagered that only gave him more time to focus on how alone he was.

There was nothing worse than sitting alone at Lunch. He just felt like an alien. Like something from another world that everyone could see. Sitting alone at lunch let's every single person in the room in on the secret of your depression. Suddenly Simon was the loser kid he'd always feared he was.

Why couldn't a single one of his so-called friends have stood by him? Why had every single person that'd ever bother to spend time with him evaporate the moment he could no longer serve as a freeway to suck Liam's dick. It was embarrassing. Utterly humiliating.

"Hey. I just transferred in, and I don't really know anybody, can I sit here?" Simon nearly ignored the voice, deciding it was just an example of his wanting something to happen, but looked up to check just in case. Sure enough there was a boy standing there, lunch in hand, looking pretty desperate for a seat.

"Sure" Simon smiled. Being new meant he didn't know him. That meant he and this boy could have a new fresh relationship, not tainted by the pain of the past. "Unless you don't want to, I mean I'm sure you could sit anywhere."

"I want to." The boy chuckled and sat down firmly in the nearby chair.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I didn't want you here." Simon rambled nervously. "I just don't want you to sit here because you feel bad for me."

"Course not," The boy grinned, "I'm new too, so we're in the same boat."

"I'm not new." Simon frowned.

"Oh... Sorry. I didn't mean to assume that." The boy grimaced. "You were just alone, so.."

"Yeah... I'm always alone." Simon shrugged. "You can go sit somewhere else, if you'd rather not be by the weird kid."

"Well... Since I'm new, I don't know anybody, I'd be sitting alone if it wasn't for you, so why don't you look at it as you doing me a favor." The boy suggested. "Besides, I'm a little weird too."

"T-Thank you. But you don't seem very strange to me."

"Tell that to the people at my old school..." The boy rolled his eyes, "I'm Shea, by the way."

"That rhymed." Simon chuckled slightly. "Sorry, that was lame. I'm Simon."

"Naw.. I thought it was funny." Shea pushed some of his black hair behind him. It was shaved at the sides, but long enough to curl at the base of his neck. "I like cheesy jokes."

"Good." Simon grinned. "That's the only kind I've got." He liked the new boy, being together made him feel more like himself.

"I suppose I'm in for a treat, then." Shea matched Simon's expression.

"I suppose," Simon agreed. "So... why'd you transfer... if you don't mind me asking."

"Um.." Shea frowned. "I was having some problems with people at my old school... but it's alright though. I was most worried about getting on the football team again, and the coach has already recruited me to try out next week."

"Your parents let you move because you were having problems at school?" Simon asked absentmindedly.

"No... we're sorta using my grandma's address so I can go here." Shea's brows furrowed. "Don't tell anyone I said that."

"Never." Simon was glad to have already earned the trust of his new friend.


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