11 | The Gift of Life

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Chapter Eleven
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┌───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┐Chapter ElevenTHE GIFT OF LIFE└───── · ° ➶ ✧ ➶ ° · ─────┘

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Where the sand ends, woods begin to rise shapely. No, not really woods. At least not the kind I know. Jungle. The foreign, almost obsolete word comes to mind. Something I heard from another Hunger Games or learned from school. Most of the trees are unfamiliar, with smooth trunks and a few branches. The earth is very black and spongy underfoot, often obscured by tangles of vines with colorful blossoms. While the sun's hot and bright, the air's warm and heavy with moisture, and I get the feeling I will never really dry here. The think blue fabric of my jumpsuit lets the seawater evaporate easily, but it's already begun to cling to me with sweat.

Peeta takes the lead, cutting through the patches of dense vegetation with is long knife. I make Finnick go second becasue even though he's the most powerful, he's got his hands full with Mags. Katniss goes next and I am behind her. It doesn't take long, between the steep incline and the heat, to become short of breath. Me and Nolan haven been training intensely, I'm not sure about Katniss and Peeta, and Finnick's such an amazing physical specimen that even with Mags over his shoulder, we climb rapidly for about a mile before he requests a rest. And I think it's more for Mag's sake than his own.

The foliage has hidden the wheel from sight, and I watch as Katniss scales up the rubbery tree. I assume she is trying to get a better view of the arena. I glance over at Finnick, "Where do you think Nolan is?" I ask him. I refuse to believe that he is dead.

Finnick looks at me like he's thinking exactly what I'm thinking. That he is dead. The sad look that crosses my face causes Peeta to look over at me. "That's your district partner right?" he asks and I nod my head. "I saw him head into the woods with Johanna."

My face instantly lights up, "That's good." I says with a smile spreading across my face. When Katniss comes back down, she finds Finnick and me and we seem to know what she is thinking. She doesn't trust us.

He grabs one of his tridents raised in a causally defensive position. "What's going on down there, Katniss? Have they all joined hands? Taken a vow of nonviolence? Tosses the weapons in the sea in defiance of the Captiol? Finnick says.

"No," Katniss says.

"No," Finnick repeats. "Because whatever happened in the past is in the past. And no one in this arena was a victor by chance." He eyes Peeta for a moment. "Except maybe Peeta."

She holds his gaze, weighing his speed against her own. The time it will take to send an arrow at him verus the time his trident will reach her body. Then she turns to me, knowing that I would defend Finnick, even if it cost me my life. Calulating if we should block first or go directly for an attack. I can feel we've both about worked it out when Peeta steps deliberatley between us.

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