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Chapter dedicated to touchurheart Thank you from the core of my heart for this love and support!

Enjoy reading!!


Author's POV

Abhi's bar room,

"You are happy after a long time, Abhi," said Rishi slipping his 2nd glass while Abhi is on his 4th glass. He smiled.

"Reason is my wife. I told her about Samhith and she supported me mentally. Her presence itself made me feel peace" he said with a smile.

"It's been a month I am away from tablets. I even threw them yesterday. The thing which even my medicines couldn't give, she gave me with just her smile, her presence" he added.

"What about your consultations with the psychiatrist? Shall I cancel them?" Asked Anish with a happy smile.

"Yes! Cancel them. I don't need a psychiatrist anymore. I have my shining star. My wife. My taara. She is curing me. She is taking care of me. She is filling the void I carried since I am born. I feel like am a 3 years old kid under the supervision of a mother" said Abhi and gulped his fifth glass in one go.

"But..but she is not happy. With me? I don't know. I want her to be real Sitaara. Her eyes always hold pain, longingness, carve for love. She cries very much every night without my notice but in the morning I can see dried up tear stains on her cheeks. Sid says she has a past but he won't say what it is, I want to heal her. I want to see her smile genuinely. I want to see her eyes sparkling with happiness. But I don't know what to do" he said.

"She even records something in a recorder and hides it immediately in the locker. I wanted to ask her but I know she won't be telling me and she won't be comfortable in recording again as I came to know about it. If it is her way of releasing her pain then, I will never ask her about the recorder and even forget that she records something. Anything for the sunshine of my life, my wife" He said smiling.

"Rishi, why is she running away when am touching her? I mean am trying to express that I want to take this relationship forward not in intimation but in keeping her with me forever as my wife but she is asking me to leave her, running away from me" Asked Abhi.

"You were always cold to her at the start. You even made her sign pre-divorce. Called her names. Abhi, first you need to talk about the decision of giving a chance to this marriage. You shouldn't get intimate with her directly, it will create a bad impression in her mind about you that you are lusting over her. Talk to her as soon as possible before she misunderstands you" said Rishi.

"Am waiting till her birthday which is a month away to tell her about my decision" said Abhi.

"Abhi, things in the relationship shouldn't be taken easy. Take her on a date again in the next 2-3 days and say how you feel for her. Don't delay it, man!" Said Anish. He nodded.

"I don't know why am getting all bad vibes. I mean I feel something major gonna happen this month. I wish I and my sitaara won't get separated. I can't live without her. She became my reason to live" Said Abhi.

"If anything happens, we are here for you. We promise we will never judge and stand by your side no matter what. Apart from our wives and kids we four will be our priority, Abhi" said Rishi and Anish. Abhi smiled and hugged them.

They pulled back and silence filled in the room. They looked at Samhith's pic on the wall. They smiled.

"Guys..I find... Vikram's behaviour-"

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