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Chapter dedicated to ridasinha Thank you for your love!!

Enjoy reading!!

Arjun's past

Author's note:-

❌Abusive language❌
❌Sexual abuse ❌
❌Sensitive content ❌

❌Read at your own risk❌

Author's POV

"Arjun has a dreadful past" said Sitaara with moistened eyes. He nodded at her to continue.

"Arjun's parents were childhood bestfriends and fell in love as they grew up. Since both the familes know eachother and are family friends, they agreed to get them married. But Arjun's uncle always had a crush on Arjun's mother and it turned out as obsession when they decided to get her married to Arjun's father"

"Arjun's uncle is a very cruel man and always used to envy Arjun's father as he was always best in everything. His hatred towards Arjun's father increased when he was made CEO of their company"

"Days were moving smoothly and Arjun's uncle too got married to other vile gold digging woman. They planned many ways to kill Arjun's parent's but failed as Arjun's father knew his brother's cunning mind. Soon Arjun was born and this built up hatred towards Arjun by his uncle" she said and stopped as waiter brought their food. He served and went away. Sitaara continued.

"On Arjun's 3th birthday, he was blessed with his sister Maya. She was his world and he was very much overprotective of her. At the age of 7 his uncle planned a cruel game again in which Arjun's parents were dead. Arjun's uncle thought he could take up their companies but Arjun's father made a will that after him it's only Arjun's right to own all the companies, properties including the mansion they live, if anything happens to Arjun everything will be donated as charity" said Sitaara and smiled

"Who handled their company all these years?' Asked Abhi.

"It was my father. My father and Arjun's father were bestfriends. He requested my father to handle his business and train Arjun, then hand over him the company once he proves his capabilities. Arjun's uncle and Aunt didn't know about the will and they signing 'no objection' papers as Arjun's father tricked them. Once they came to know they started treating Arjun and Maya brutally. Maya was only 6 years still they used to beat her, keep her hungry for days, when Arjun was in school they many times tried kill Maya but she was saved by Arjun's grandparents which irked them and they made Arjun's grandparents bed ridden by injecting some harmful fluids into their body"

"As days were passing Arjun was made to eat rotten food and Maya used to stay hungry crying. He sometimes used to come my home for food for Maya and used to feed her hiding it from his uncle-aunt. He used to borrow my sister's clothes for Maya as they always made Maya to wear torn clothes. His uncle never liked Maya as she was exactly like Arjun's mom and he took his revenge on Maya by raping 6 years Maya. It was hopeless situation for them but Arjun never told us anything. My parents were in depression as we lost my aunt so they couldn't pay attention towards Arjun and Maya much"

"As days passed their torture intensified. Arjun used to plead them not to hurt Maya, he was ready to bear anything for his sister but they never paid heed to his cries and beggings. They used to lock him in one room and used to torture Maya in other room burning her hands and legs, slashing her with belt and cuts on her hands with knife. Arjun's grandparents used to watch everything helplessly, but they couldn't even say anything as they lost speaking ability and were dead soon"

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