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Chapter dedicated to PriyaModak  A heartful thanks from the author and the protagonists for your love and support.

Enjoy reading!!

Lady version of Abhimanyu

Author's POV

"Hickey!!" Shouted Aarya looking at Sitaara's neck gaining not only their cousins attention but also many customers too but she didn't realise it.

"Woah!! Situ, you were with us all the time and while coming from your Mansion there was nothing on your neck but now, there is an hickey. Seems like you and my brother were busy in car" said Aarya with a teasing smile. Sitaara looked away pulling her hair closer to her neck while Abhi looked at her smirking.

"Seems like her Mani marked his territory" said Rishi and Anish simultaneously smirking. Abhi smirked.

"Let's go inside" whispered Sitaara and they nodded. They started moving inside, Naman and Dhruv pulled Aarya to a side.

"What the hell, Aarya? Why did you shout like that? You embarrassed our sil infront of everyone. They are husband and wife and does whatever they want. You don't need to question about it" whisper yelled Naman.

" sorry. It happened just like that but it's okay, it's common between couples and everyone knows it" said Aarya.

"It didn't happen something like you are thinking" said Dhruv and narrated what happened.

"She is so fragile. She cried for that" said Dhruv with worried look.

"It's not because of that. She felt she cheated on Viru bhaiyya" mumbled Aarya under her breath.

"What? What did you say?" Asked Naman and Dhruv.

"Nothing. Let's go" she said. They nodded and joined others. Sitaara was pulling her hair front trying to cover her hickey again and again.

"Aastha you must be having spare concealer give that to Sitaara. I don't think she would concentrate on eating untill she hide the hickey"

"Adhira you must be having spare concealer give that to Sitaara. I don't think she would concentrate on eating untill she hide the hickey"
Said Anish and Rishi simultaneously to their wife's and clicked their tongue. Adhira and Aastha kicked them under the table while everyone gave a teasing smile to them.

Suddenly Akhira and Disha dipped tissues in water and rubbed it over Adhira's and Aastha's neck only to reveal many hickeys. Rishi and Anish closed their eyes in embarrassment while everyone laughed. Adhira and Aastha glared at Akhira and Disha respectively swatting their hands away.

"What? Since Sitaara akka is feeling uncomfortable we added a company to her" said Akhira and Disha.

"You both are idiots" said Adhira and Aastha gritting their teeth while covering their necks with their hair.

"Seems like Rishi and Anish marked their territories" said Abhi using same line they used on him earlier. He smirked at them while they looked away.

They ordered food and Sitaara, Adhira and Aastha went to washroom.

Adhira applied concealer to Sitaara's neck. Sitaara looked at herself in mirror with tears in her eyes.

"Hey! You don't have to cry over it. We were just teasing you, Situ" said Adhira. Sitaara nodded wiping her tears.

"I need to use washroom. You both join them, I'll join you guys shortly" said Sitaara. They nodded and went away. She ran into washroom and cried cupping her mouth.

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