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Chapter dedicated to Khooshbusingh84. Thank for your love on our Sitaara and Abhimanyu.

I know most of you don't read at the end where I conclude the chapter with a set of questions or statements. So, here are few questions from the author.

Do you guys feel any kind discomfort while reading as am using few telugu words though I am mentioning the meaning of it everytime??


Are you guys really enjoying the story?


Do you guys want me change my style in story anywhere? Any preferences from your side?

Please answer these to make story more affective. I thought you guys would make everything clear from your side by yourselves but not getting any response, I took the initiative as these three questions were revolving in my head.

Enjoy reading!!!

Sunshine in his dark life

Author's note:-

In this chapter am not talking about caste and all to insult anyone. Am just gonna talk about society and their views. Yes! there are people who still discriminate people based on caste and many unwanted factors though it's a taboo to even talk. But let's be practical, this is the shit happening in society. I have seen many crimes in the name of honor issues in my surrondings and I put them down here and in further chapters, in words though not in depth still...

Please don't judge me and my writings because I spoke about caste.

Author's POV

2 days later,

''Did you talk to your family about us?'' Asked Arjun to Aarya. She snuggled into his bare chest shaking her head in 'no'.

''Aarya, you aren't letting me talk to them neither you are talking to them. It's high time baby. When are you going to talk to them?'' Asked Arjun caressing her cheeks.

''Am scared, Jun. You don't know about Abhi Anna's possessiveness. Didn't you remember how he beat shit out of Arnab just because he was interested in me?'' Asked Aarya.

''So, how long are you gonna hide about us? I just don't understand why you and Situ hid about your boyfriends from your families'' Said Arjun all annoyed.

''You don't understand. If Situ told about Viru bhaiyya to her family am sure they wouldn't let him live in peace and about me? You aren't aware of my brothers'' she said.

''Why wouldn't Situ's family accept Viru bhaiyya? Didn't they accept Adhira akka and Rishi Anna's love? If only she told about her love matter her family may be Viru bhaiyya would've been alive today and they both would've lead a happy life'' said Arjun with tears remembering about Viraj as he was one his bestfriends.

''Adhira akka and Rishi anna both are of same caste, Jun. Moreover, Rishi anna brought the allaince as a business deal, not even till today no one in Shetty's except cousins knew that Rishi anna and Adhira akka were lovers earlier. Sitaara's family don't accept intercaste marriages, they are kind of narrow minded. Dev mama(uncle) wouldn't object it but Sitaara's grandfather would make Viraj Bhaiyya's life hell because he is not only of their caste but also from another state and a punjabi'' said Aarya.

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