My brother's heart.

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Everywhere I go, the drive-through lines are stupid long

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Everywhere I go, the drive-through lines are stupid long.

I get a call from Sharice and answer it on speakerphone. "What's up? I'm gonna just order something."

"Someone's here!" she whispers into the phone.

"What do you mean?" I yell.

She doesn't respond.

The phone sounds muffled followed by banging and bumping.

Sharice sounds like she's struggling to breathe.

I hear the door slam shut followed by nothing.

"Sharice! I'm almost there."

Silence magnifies my worry.

I don't hang up.

I pull into the valet, jump out my truck, and run through the lobby to the elevators, "Call an ambulance to the 21st floor!" I yell to the concierge.

I pull out the key my brother gave me years ago when he bought this place. I've never used it until today.

I open the door and step over the bag of pregnancy tests and Sharice's water and shoes. I walk in further and my heart drops into my stomach.

Sharice's body is sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs.

I check her pulse. Her breathing almost nonexistent. There's blood covering her face but I can't tell where it's coming from.

I call 911. They tell me an ambulance was already called and they'll be here shortly and try not to move her. Hopefully, because Malik lives in the city they won't take long.

I call my father because I don't know who else to call.

"Dad I don't know what to do." I cry into the phone.

"She'll be alright son." My father tries to calm me. "Panicking won't make it any better."

"Dad, there's so much blood."

"Just stay with her son. We'll try to get in contact with Malik."

I can no longer fight back the tears as I hold my brother's heart in my hands in the middle of the floor of his penthouse.

I hear sirens approaching and hope they know how to find us. I take off my suit jacket and place it over Sharice's near lifeless body and prop the front door open.

I look into the bathroom and I see a pregnancy test sitting on the counter.

I inch closer and look at it. It's positive. She's pregnant.

Sitting back at her side, I listen until I can hear life in the hallway.

"In here" I scream at anyone who'll hear me. "We're in here."

The paramedics come in and I move out of their way. They place a brace on her neck and lift her tiny body onto the stretcher.

"What happened to her?"

"We were on the phone and I heard her fall down the stairs," I tell them as they're wheeling her out. "Please be careful, she's pregnant."

Please God, let her be okay.

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