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Watching Malik take control of our meeting is an experience, to say the least

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Watching Malik take control of our meeting is an experience, to say the least. It's like seeing snow for the first time. I only got a glimpse of him working when we were in his home office, but he was also in his underwear so that doesn't count.

My boss Jonathan used to intimidate me but I think that's just because he's always having pissing contests with anyone he thinks is a threat or someone of importance, but seeing him cower in the face of Malik and Mason is a sight to see.

Mason doesn't even seem like the asshole I met at dinner last night. I now understand why the MED Brothers are so well respected.

"Sire, that's where you'd come in," Mason looks at me across the conference table. "Your role would be to lead our security department leaving you in charge of all security operations, including cyber intelligence, data loss, fraud prevention, and program management." he lists.

Malik chimes in "You'd be working closely with us in Downtown, and travel to other locations when necessary. As you may know, we've been in the game for some time, but our firm isn't as seasoned as some of these bigger companies. Old money is very finicky with who they'll trust their assets with. Now we are international, but that doesn't mean we can't keep growing and evolving."

"So what about my duties here?" I chuckle. "Sounds like you guys are poaching me right in front of my boss." I at Jonathan waiting for him to say something.

"Actually S, that's what this meeting was about. We're ready to let you go, and pay you severance. We already have a Non-Disclosure in place to protect both parties so your secrets are safe. You've done plenty here, but we can't pay you what you're worth for the work you do."

This was set up, but not the way I thought.

"You guys are serious?" I ask the three of them. "Do I at least have some say in this?"

"Yes of course you do," Jonathan assures me. "But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, that I'd hate for you to lose out on. I've known these guys a long time, I know they'll take care of you."

I look at the three of them. Malik has an expression I can't read.

"Now that that's out the way, lunch?" Mason smirks.

"What the hell type of meeting was that?" I ask Malik as he helps me into the passenger seat of yet another vehicle of his, a black Range Rover.

He closes my door and walks around to the driver's side.

"No work talk, we're going to lunch." He says settling in his seat.

"Malik, come on," I whine. "Did you know?"

"Sharice." He stares into my eyes and sighs deeply. "I didn't know you were the person who I was meeting with today. Why didn't you tell me what you actually did for a living?"

I feel a lump in my throat.

"Did you know who I was when we met at the gas station?" He asks me.

I silently shake my head. I really didn't know. I'd never followed too deep into private equity to know who the MED brothers were, but I knew of the firm, but I thought they were some old guys like most PE firms.

He looks away rubbing his facial hair.

"Let's start over," he says.

I raise a brow "I'm listening."

He starts the car and turns on his GPS to route us to the Japanese restaurant Mason said to meet him at. "What's your name?" He asks.

"My name is Sharice Isabel Freyling. I'm 24, single, and like to take long walks on the beach." I laugh. "But seriously, I graduated at the top of my class from Arizona University. I've been into cybersecurity since watching hacking documentaries on the internet in middle school. In high school, I was reverse engineering websites and hacking servers during lunch. By college, I was completing government contracts."

"Your reputation definitely precedes you," he states "Why the name Sire?"

"Don't laugh.." I begin to tell him. "I like vampire lore. When a vampire turns a human, they are sired to them, meaning you must obey them. It is also the way you address a king, so it helped with people not knowing I'm a woman." I blush with embarrassment.

"Hmmm. Mon sire." (My sire) he says flirtatiously

"Mon chevalier." (My knight)

We laugh.

"My name is Malik Ezekiel Daley." He flashes a smile. "My brother's name is Mason Elijah. Our father is Malakai Ezekiel. He founded the MED Group private equity firm in Atlanta with his brother, my uncle Micah Elias all of us carry the MED initials obviously. I graduated from Florida University. I studied abroad for two years then came home to run the firm for my father. My family's name is well known down south. I moved to California to bring a Headquarters here, but also to get away from people knowing me everywhere I go. I love it here because people don't know me, I'm just some 9-5 dude who can enjoy life."

"Nice to meet you, Malik," I say to him smiling.

"The pleasure is mine, Sharice." He says pulling into a parking garage.

"Any other secrets I should know about?" I laugh. "You sure there's no wife, kids, or nothing?"

"No wife, no kids, yet." He winks "and I haven't had many serious relationships, because I spent so much time trying to continue this legacy my father built."

"What's your favorite thing about what you do?"

"Honestly, I love the travel. I, I mean we have a trip in a few weeks to Dubai, Mid April I believe."

"What do you mean we?" I ask confused

"Well, if you take this offer, we're going to meet with some people in Dubai." He tells me getting out of the car.

He walks around to open my door for me.

"You still want me to do this? Like, you really want to hire me?" I'm say climbing out.

"Sharice," he snakes his arms around my waist looking me in the eyes "This is fate. Please don't fight our future."

I guess I've got a new job.

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