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I wake up to the sun kissing my face, I check the alarm clock on my nightstand

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I wake up to the sun kissing my face, I check the alarm clock on my nightstand.


"Alexa, start my day," I call to my smart device as I get out the bed.

"Good morning, today is Monday, March 18th. Today has a high of 82 degrees...." the device starts its daily routine.

I grab a robe to put on and go into my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

As I finger comb my tangled curls my device tell me I have a package that was delivered. I swear I have to stop ordering so many things. I always forget about them until they arrive.

I slip on the blue panties I left out last night under my black satin robe as I look at my messy bed where I slept and I realize that my rabbit was never put to use. Just my hand and imagination. I snatch the sheets off the bed in shame as if someone will find out my dirty little secret and hurriedly take them downstairs to my laundry room.

I come back upstairs and turn on the tv that's mounted over my fireplace in the living room so I can watch the news while making myself some coffee in the kitchen.

I work as a data security officer for an investment bank so I have to stay up to date with finance and economic news. I'm also a contract hacker, for good that is.

A white hat or ethical hacker is what I'm considered, but I keep that part of myself a secret, even to the people who contract me until a non-disclosure agreement is signed.

Imagine, their surprise when they discover the renowned Sire Freyling is actually Sharice, a young black woman and not some middle-aged trust fund Ivy Leaguer living off mommy and daddy's coat tail.

I've lost plenty of opportunities when trying to obtain contracts and jobs when applying with my real information.

My current job had to, in a way, be taken by force. Using my alias on my resume got me in, only to almost be turned away at my interview, until I showed them all the weaknesses in their web security systems that I discovered just while sitting on a laptop in their lobby. I was hired on the spot and paid a very open-handed bonus to fix those issues the same day.

My cell phone rings in my bedroom and I run to grab it.

It's my mother.

"Good morning mom," I greet her putting the phone on speaker.

"Good afternoon sweetheart, how are you?" She pleasantly reminding me she's 1 hour ahead of me in her time zone.

"I'm good," I say taking a sip of my coffee. "How are you and dad? I miss you guys." I tell her. I haven't been home to visit since Christmas a few months ago.

"Oh, we're fine. Your father's out fishing with the guys." She chuckles. "We can't wait to visit next month."

"I'm counting down the days." I talk through a yawn.

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