Chapter 9

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Namjoon: *whispers* She's asleep.

Hoseok: So what now?

Namjoon: Let's take her to the dorm and talk there. She shouldn't be alone at a time like this. Jiho you should stay at the dorm too until she's fine.

Jiho: Thanks Namjoon-ah.

Jiho picked your stuff up as Namjoon carried you because you still clutched his sweatshirt tightly in your sleep.

At the dorm:

Namjoon put you on the couch and gently removed your hands from his sweatshirt. You were about to wake up due to the feeling of the warmth fading away but Jungkook suddenly placed a cookie plushie in your arms as you hugged it tightly.

Jimin: We only have one guest bedroom.

Namjoon: It's okay, Y/N can sleep there. Jiho and I can share my room.

Jiho: I think someone should be with her so she doesn't get scared if she wakes up at night. She is very sensitive.

Namjoon: Oh, then who should sleep with her in the guest room?

Everyone looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon: W-why are you all looking at me like that?

Taehyung: Hyung she probably needs someone who can comfort her and make her feel safe.

Namjoon: So?

Jin: So take her to your room, you idiot.

Jin whisper yelled at an oblivious Namjoon.

Namjoon: O-oh, o-okay!

Namjoon: Where will Jiho sleep then?

Jin: Seriously, you dense piece of 148 IQ, he will sleep in the guest room. Now take her to your room, the couch must be uncomfortable.

The others tried to control their laughter as Namjoon fumbled here and there before spotting you and coming to you.

Namjoon picked you up from the couch but stubbed his toe on the coffee table.

Yoongi: Kim Namjoon, I swear if you drop her it will be the end of you.

Yoongi growled as Namjoon gulped at the elder's words.

He held you more securely so you wouldn't wake up.

Jiho: Don't forget to change her clothes into comfortable ones Namjoon-ah.

Jiho told Namjoon as he blushed and walked away with you towards his room.

Of course he had seen a naked woman before but this was a different situation. You both weren't close enough to reveal your bodies to each other. And for sure he wouldn't look at a woman's body without her consent especially when she was sleeping.

He carefully laid you on his bed and went to pull out one of his sweatshirts from the closet.

Now the question was how would he change your clothes without looking at you? Suddenly he got a text from Jiho.


Jiho: She always wears inners and safety shorts so you won't have to look at her body.

Namjoon felt relieved since he didn't have to look at your body without your consent. He still wanted to question Jiho about how he knew this piece of information but decided to do it later. Right now you were the priority.

(Damn, if you were awake, you would've been so happy to be someone's priority for once. Sed.)

Namjoon frowned and removed the cookie plushie from your hands throwing it somewhere across the room. Then he focused his attention on you.

He started to unbutton your shirt carefully and removed it off your shoulders. Jiho was right. You did wear an inner which covered your chest and abdomen. He put his sweatshirt on you sliding it down your body as it reached to your knees. This looked easy. Now he just had to remove your skirt. He put his hands under the sweatshirt to reach to the waistband of skirt. Since the material of the skirt stuck to your body he had to trace his hands up your thighs under the sweatshirt. He slowly removed the skirt, while his fingers brushed on your skin.

He felt goosebumps as your skin came in contact with his fingertips but he brushed it off thinking it was because of the A.C.

His touch left a tingling feeling so you pulled your legs up to your chest and curled up in a ball as you hugged the koya plushie which Namjoon placed in your hands closer to your chest.

He put a blanket over you as you snuggled into it.

Namjoon: Cute

He chuckled.

Namjoon smiled shyly as he felt butterflies in his stomach at the fact that you trusted him and felt safe around him.

He stood up and looked at you one last time before he dimmed the lights and walked out to the living room where the others were.

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