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"Oh ? Didn't you say it was just a lump of sugar ?"

Levi keeps his gaze straight into nothingness as he sips on Hanji's titan juice product, "Just what the hell is finding her own life ?" He muttered, "8 hours a day for 9 years, that's 18.000 hours."

"But (L/n) also worked on the weekends and on holidays, so that's 59.130 hours. That's a longer time than some marriages, so how can she just brush them off as meaningless ?"

"Did (Y/n) say they're meaningless ? Oh my.." Hanji snickered.

Finding Levi sitting in her office in the morning and wanting to talk about his secretary amuses her, she has never seen him so desperate. Especially about a worker.

"Alright, lemme get this straight." The woman sits comfortably across Levi, "So she's competent and you got used to her. But don't you think you're a bit obsessed with her ? Do you perhaps like (Y/n) ?"

"Tch, are you out of your mind, shitty glasses ?"

"Then why are you mulling over it then ?" She sent Levi an obvious glare behind her glasses, "Not only that, you don't let any other girls touch you. Let's be honest, you've tons of girls who are after you but I've never seen you get close with any one of them. Were you perhaps..." Hanji pushes up her glasses, "traumatized by an experience in the past ?"

Levi clenches his fist.

"No. I just don't care about women." He lied through his teeth.

"Then what about (Y/n) ?"

"She's different."

The woman snorts, "How is she different from all the other women ?" Deep down, Hanji hopes that this kind of question would lead him to tell something about his secretary.

"Ms. (L/n) is just...... Ms. (L/n)." Levi sure made a long pause on it, "whatever. I'm going off now." He dumped the empty juice can in the trash can and exited Hanji's office.

A sigh escapes her lips, "What is he on about ?"


"Mr. Ackerman."

The loyal and hardworking lady behind the desk rises from her seat and bow as she acknowledges her boss' arrival, "You don't look so good, sir. Are you alright ?" (Y/n) couldn't help but notice something off from the man before her.

"Couldn't get much sleep." He flatly answered.

She nods, "Uh.. not to mention, you look paler than usual. Are you sure you're alright ? Should I call your dermatologist ?"

"No need."

"How about Dr. Nile Dok ?"


"How about some sedatives, at least ?" (Y/n) keeps pressing, until Levi sighs and give her a slight wave as a gesture that says 'just do whatever it is you want'

While she's busy typing on her phone, trying to contact Levi's personal doctor, he shoves his hands in his pockets and fully turn to her.

"Are you worrying about me ?"

(Y/n) diverts her gaze from the phone, "Pardon ?"


"O-oh ! Of course I am, worrying about your health and needs is a part of my job, Mr. Ackerman."

Silence fills the space between them for a solid 10 seconds before a man with a buzz haircut interrupts their small and awkward private conversation, "Mr. Ackerman. The interviewee is here. Would you like to meet her now ?"

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now