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things were perfect, belle and dream were finally together and happier than ever. they were falling in love. their careers were going amazingly, both becoming some of the biggest content creators and their friends were all doing great. but life's boring when everything is going to well, right?

the day started like any other, minus the fact alex was already out. dream and belle wrapped up under the duvets, still cuddling from the night before.

"morning, darling." dream said quietly, planting a kiss on her forehead as he saw her eyes flutter awake.

"good morning." she smiled, looking up at him. he was so beautiful.

"i looked at the weather for today, it's supposed to be nice. you wanna go on a picnic to that field you were telling me about?" he suggested.

"absolutely." she agreed, super eager to show him the place her and her friends would go every weekend.

the two got out of bed and ready for the day. they didn't dress up too fancy but still put effort in to it.

when they got there everything was still the way belle had remembered it from a couple years ago. it still had the stone pathway around the side of the grassy field that also lead to the small abandoned building by the huge fence that stretched across the whole plain.

the building was still pretty intact. it used to be a small fruit shop which eventually got shut down, the wooden sign above the door still there. it was still nicely painted although it did have a few cracks and the inside was now completely empty.

the grass was scattered with different coloured flowers except the little circle in the middle where the grass was shorter and there were no flowers. thats were belle and her friends would sit and watch the stars when it got dark.

she lead him to the sitting area and they unpacked the basket they'd filled with sandwiches, strawberries, mango, pineapples and muffins. they'd made a stop at tesco on the way to get food to eat after dream realised they had nothing at home.

that was something belle had noticed, whenever dream talked about the house he had started to call it home. not belles house, not the house, just home.

and dream knew exactly what he was doing when he said it. he wasn't talking about the actual building they were staying. he was talking about her. they could be staying in a sketchy hotel with cockroaches crawling up the wall but as long as he was with her? it felt like home.

they sat surrounded by the flowers, the sun was shining down and there was no cold wind which was rare for where belle lived. it was the perfect day for the perfect date.

neither of them were huge going out people, fancy restaurants were nice and all but this was so much better. just them and each other's company.

"you look really beautiful." dream breathed out, admiring her as she looked at the few clouds that painted the sky.

"thank you, so do you." she smiled wide, looking at him.

"do i tell you that enough?" he asked.

"tell me?" she indicated for him to continue.

"tell you that you're beautiful." he said, his eyebrows furrowed.

"you tell me everyday." she rest her head on his shoulder, "if anything i don't tell you enough."

"it's just." he sighed, "you are. you really really are. and i feel like no matter how much i tell you, you'll never see what i see and-" he began to ramble.

"clay." she stopped him, smile wiped across her face and cheeks rosy red. "you tell me enough. you're the sweetest most thoughtful person i've ever met and i love you." she stoped after she realised what she said, her eyes widening.

it took him a few seconds before he processed why she stopped and when he did his lips curled up into the biggest smile ever. "you what?" he raised his eyebrows, wanting to hear it again.

"i love you." she sighed, "i know we haven't been together that long but you've been such a big part of my life for the past seven months and, i do. you don't have to say it bac-" now she was the one rambling.

"i love you too." the roles reversed, cutting her off this time. "and i'm so glad to hear you say that because i wanted to tell you but i didn't want to totally freak you out."

"you couldn't do that." she smiled, cupping his face with her hands and kissing him.

the kiss was soft and sweet, like if you could catch a smile in a bottle. the world stop spinning as their lips connected. time stopped ticking and it felt like it was just them, no one else existed except them, no one else mattered. they were together and they had each other.

his arms around her, holding her tightly never wanting to let go. it was his job to protect her from the world and he was going to do just that.

call it the honeymoon stage, puppy love, two young people being stupid and over dramatic but these two were completely in love. every little thing reminded them of each other. every sunrise, every car journey, every song.

they loved each other.

"i was right earlier, i will seriously never get used to that." he let out a shaky breath.

"i don't think i will either." she said softly.

what a perfect day.
too bad it didn't stay that way.

authors note


double update ;]

i love you. take care! <3

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