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"and don't get me started on joe!" belle leaned back in her chair, "he deserved so much better, he was the nicest character by far. i love him."

"you've been going on about this all morning." kayden groaned.

"that's because clay and i finished it earlier!" she sighed, "and did i even tell you about ginny? complete bitch. she was so ungrateful for everything her mum did for her. AND she was a terrible friend."

she crossed her arms and thought more, "i mean having terrible main characters can work as long as they have character development but she had none. by the end she was still an ungrateful twat."

"stop talking about that stupid tv show." the teenage boy complained. "i really don't care."

"you're so rude." she flicked him on the head.

"i can't wait for you to leave, when are you going back." he half joked.

"four more days, kid." she grinned. "four more days."

"i don't think i can handle it." he said standing up and leaving her room.

belle laughed to herself about her little brothers over dramatic exit and turned on her pc. she realised she hadn't properly spoken to george in a while and was starting to feel bad about it.

"hello?" the english man greeted after not even two rings.

"hi!" she said happily, "how's things going?"

"pretty good." he replied, "what's up? is everything okay?"

"yeah. we just haven't properly spoken in a while." she shrugged turning on her camera.

"is that your room at your parents?" he asked turning his on too.

"yeah they're pretty similar, right?" she laughed.

"yeah that's what i was thinking. it looks bigger though." he pointed out.

"it is." she nodded. "so what have you been up to these past few weeks gogster?"

"not much, i filmed a video for tommy's channel but that was about it. i really need to stream again though." he started to talk, "i don't really have too many ideas on what to do though. i want it to be something good."

"i'm sure whatever you do will turn out great." belle reassured him, "all your streams are great."

"thanks, i'm pretty sure quackity and i will be doing lore soon so that's exciting." he smiled.

"georgenotfound doing lore?" she said in shock, "no way."

"i know right, imagine." he laughed. "how's visiting your family?"

"it's good." she nodded, "we went out for dinner last night which was nice and my dads been making us have game nights almost every night. i've really missed them."

"how long have you been living with alex now?" he asked curiously.

"about two years." she thought out loud, "i moved out on my birthday so it will be three years in june."

"wait what days your birthday?" he questioned.

"the twelfth, clay is exactly ten months older than me." she answered.

"you bring him up all the time, you know that? and you've started calling him clay on stream." he pointed out.

"shit, have i? i always try to call him dream but i call him clay off camera all the time so i just forget." she explained, "how do you and sapnap do it?"

"well to be honest off camera we just call him dream, except for when we were in florida. we can't go around calling him dream in public." he laughed to himself.

"i don't even mean to." she said with a laugh, "i do try call him dream i just slip up sometimes."

"he mentioned you guys were going to plan meeting up again?" george mentioned looking for more details.

"already?" she giggled, "we mentioned it a few days ago. i think he's coming here next month. we need to find out dates and everything first."

"he sounded so excited, he really wants to see you again." george nodded.

"i want to see him again as well." she grinned, "can i ask you something?"

"of course." he said genuinely.

"well i'm sure you've already figured it out but i really like him." she paused, george hummed as an indication for her to keep going,
"well, i really want to tell him."

"i can't say that you saying that's shocking." he chuckled, "but i think you should definitely tell him."

"yeah but when? i don't want to tell him as soon as he gets here and risk him not feeling the same and things becoming awkward." she cringed at the thought, "but i also don't want to risk leaving it to close to the end and then having no time together if he feels the same way."

"belle have you seen the way he is around you? i seriously think you have nothing to worry about. he'd do anything for you and if you told him you liked him i'm sure he'd be nothing but ecstatic." he said in almost pure disbelief at the fact she could even think he wouldn't like her back.

"i really hope you're right." she sighed, "i need to talk to alex about it."

"how is alex?" george asked.

"you like them don't you?" she questioned.

"just because we talked about your feelings doesn't mean we have to talk about mine." george rolled his eyes.

"yeah yeah okay." she giggled, "they're good. i was talking to them earlier."

"i'm glad, we haven't called in a few days so i was wondering." he smiled.

"yeah they've just been busy with carter and bee." belle nodded.

"i figured, i didn't want to interrupt them having fun." he chuckled. "what did you get them for their birthday?"

"i made a scrapbook with tons of pictures from when we were babies to now. i also bought them this jumper they've been wanting to get for ages." she grinned at how happy she was with the gift.

"i kinda wanted to get them the matching lego heart necklaces." he said unsurely, "we talked about getting them the other week."

"that's so cute! i'm so excited for their birthday." belle said still smiling.

"only two days right?" he asked looking for conformation.

"yup, bee and carter leave at about two in the afternoon so i'll be driving home about then." she nodded.

"i was also wanting to do one more thing for their birthday." he said a little nervously.

"what are you going to do?" belle asked confused.

"i want to come to scotland."

authors note

anf anf anf anf

i've started a george fanfic,
so updates might be a tiny
bit slower.

it's not a fanfic with alex in
it :[ i think i'm just going to
write more about them in
this story!

idk when i'll publish it, maybe
after this ones done!


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