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stop i can hear the twoof them non stop giggling with each other

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stop i can hear the two
of them non stop
giggling with each other

they're so cute i can't rn

george got them the
matching lego necklaces
and flowers

it was so sweet

they were so happy when
they saw him

you should have seen
him he kept asking me
if i thought it was good

stop i love them together

yeah but george is george
he won't make a move

he might not but al will

how longs he staying?

not sure but i can almost
guarantee you he won't
come home a single man

he's breaking up with
me? 🥺💔

you still have sapnap ur

what about u? ;)

ofc ofc you still have me


"right well we are going now." alex whispered, popping their head through belles door.

"have fun, use protection." belle winked.

"shut up." alex scoffed, closing the door.

belle looked down at her phone, dream on facetime working away at a video.

"what the fuck." the dirty blonde mumbled to himself.

"what's up?" belle asked.

"i can't be bothered to finish this." he complained tiredly.

"just leave it for just now." she smiled softly, "you don't need it done by a certain time so why stress yourself out over it?"

"i don't want to just leave it unfinished." he said annoyed, "it's going to piss me off."

it was easy for belle to see he was getting himself worked up over it, "just take a ten minute break then, okay?"

"fine." he agreed reluctantly and turning to face her, "i hate editing."

"yeah it sucks." belle nodded in agreement, "i really need to buy some milk, wanna watch me walk to the co-op?"

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