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"so what time do you get back tomorrow?" alex whispered, trying not to wake up their sleeping friends.

"it will probably be about three thirty." belle smiled.

"awesome! two weeks is too long for you to be away." they pouted.

"i'm sure it wasn't that bad." she rolled her eyes. "i can't wait to give you your present."

"you didn't have to get me anything." they said quietly.

"of course i did. don't be silly." belle yawned. "god i'm so tired. kayden woke me up at six in the morning cause he thought he heard someone outside."

"i'm going to guess no one was outside?" alex questioned intrigued.

"nope. just wind. you'd think at eighteen he would know that by now, or at least check himself." the girl said walking through to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"i still can't believe he's eighteen." alex said in disbelief, "and he gets more action than i do."

"i'm not talking to you about my brothers private life." belle rolled her eyes.

"you can at least admit he's a player." alex giggled.

"oh one hundred precent." belle nodded. "i'm going to go now, i'll call you tomorrow before i head home."

"okay, night! i love you!" they grinned.

"i love you too." belle waved before hanging up.

" belle waved before hanging up

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you still all set for

yup, will text you
before i board 👍

okay, remember to pack
their present because
knowing you, you'll
forget about it

do u rlly think i would
forget about it?

you did didn't you


go pack it

on it


belle climbed into bed and wrapped herself in the warm duvets. her bedroom was freezing as her parents never turned on the heater, not wanting to waste money.

she scrolled through twitter, already seeing tons of birthday messages for alex because of the time zones. she liked a few, most of them using one of the most popular pictures of them. it was one belle had taken of them wearing a mario halloween costume hiding in a bin.

belle giggled at all the funny pictures of alex popping up on her timeline before putting her phone down and going to sleep, eager to surprise alex the next day.

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