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Was this real or was this all just a figment of his wandering mind?

The albino lad stood there, his lungs feeling as if all the air had been knocked out of his body. It was a wonder to him as to how such news was able to instigate within him such fear and trepidation when this reporting should've had washed him over with elation for he would now be able to take his long-awaited break.

An unfortunate soul he was for thinking otherwise.

The chief had peered at the papers before him with furrowed brows, this reaction being brought about once he had finished reading the sent paper to his office for the nth time. 

"W...What did you just say?" These five words were all he could conjure to release from his parted lips. He still couldn't take grasp of it- His working brain just couldn't comprehend what the chief had relayed to him. 

"Allow me to reiterate my former statement. The family themself has requested for the annulment of the case, which will now render us immobile for we aren't able to do anything further than that. Henceforth, as soon as tomorrow, you will now be given permission to file a cse of dropping out to exclude yourself from the list of the students present at Royal Brix," the chief sent him a forlorn smile, knowing just how restless the young male could be if he couldn't finish a case.

"Take a break, Takuma. You deserve it the most."

He couldn't be any more wrong.

The disquietude that had coursed throughout his body wasn't due to him leaving an assignment unconcluded, but rather, all of it could be pinpointed towards his faux significant other.

Y/n L/n.

Just him imagining all the things that he had gone through up 'til now, gone because this wretched family had demanded for something as atrocious as this. Did they have little-to-no care about giving their daughter's demise justice? 

It would be fantastic if Takuma was actually apprehensive because of that fact, but what was bringing him these waves of perturbation was the notion of him not being able to take sight of you in each passing day like he used to. He longed for your presence the more he had spent time for you, and now that this was going to be stripped off from him, he was left aghast.

The strollings, the intertwining of you two's hands, and the occasional kisses here and there (albeit him always taking the initiative to do so), he couldn't take it if it were to be all gone in just a snap of a finger. He was so wrapped around your little fingers, and he would do anything, anything, for him to remain as close as he could to you.

He found it quite humorous, really. That group of people that had encompassed you, he looked at them with disgust for it was clear as the day that they were utterly enamored with you. Just what did they find in you? The former him had thought. You were cute, yes, but your appearance in comparison to all of the lasses at the academy were leagues below them. What was so special about you for them to be so hung up on someone like you? 

But now, he was one of them. He was now one of those lovesick bastards. Perhaps he had been long ago and the direness of the situation had been the reason as to why he had finally come to a realization.

And he had now wanted to shoot himself at point-blank range for letting those sentiments even pass through his brain. He wanted to gouge his eyes out for letting them be so blind that they hadn't seen your ethereal beauty the moment that he had initially seen you. Why was had he been such a huge dunce for not relishing the times that he had whiled away with you when he still had a chance?

Ah, the mission was not buried under the desolate parts of his psyche. He no longer had even a single ounce of care for it, with all of it being now fixated on you. Where had the task-driven him gone to? Had it now been decimated to pieces and pieces and was now replaced with a lovestruck one instead?

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