f i f t e e n

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"What caused you to feel so crappy, dumbass?"

"Wow, is that supposed to soothe me?"

Jiryu and you were now in a café that was hidden out of sight, sitting in the far back as you two conversed. It was a place not really frequented by the customers and you didn't understand why because their coffee was the bomb. Seriously, it was so well-brewed thatㅡ

"Give me a break. I'm trying, okay? Ya dipshit," he growled as he took a bite out of his parfait, the scrunching of the skin between his brows were slowly disappearing as the grumpiness he felt was alleviated by the dessert.

"Yeah, sorry. But you really didn't strike me as a parfait dude. Hm, all the more reason to stop stereotyping people," you sealed your eyes as you took a mouthful of the coffee, letting the flavor sit in your mouth before cordially swallowing it. Thanks to Jiryu, you might find yourself returning to this spot just because of their Dark Roast drink.

"Shut up. And answer the damㅡ Fuck. You know what, if you don't feel like it, then don't. Keep silent for all I care." He's acting undoubtedly... nice? He wasn't forcing you to answer his question by constantly drilling you with them, but instead, he was giving you a choice whether you'd like to or not.

"I stalled this long enough," you coughed on your balled fists before placing the ceramic down. "Jiryu, have you ever enkindled something bad to happen?" You asked him and he snorted. "If you aren't living under a rock, I'm sure that you're aware of my reputation. I've caused more trouble than you ever will."

"Then how about this," you wavered. Your eyes took a glimpse at the intricate chandelier giving light to the entire establishment, to the paintings on the walls that were made by no-name artists, and finally, to the man sitting across from you. He was waiting patiently for you to continue, with his blatantly dyed blue hair draping across his eyes. He wore no hair gel today, so without it being pulled back by it, his locks were a dangle of mess on his head.

"What if you gave rise to someone being killed​?" You didn't know if you were going to regret this later on, but how much worse could things get? Oops, apparently shouldn't have said that. Now, you were just jinx-ing things.

"What are you on about, huh?"

You didn't want to place a baggage on him if you were to tell the truth about the things that bugged you and the sole reason why you tried to end your life. It would be selfish of you to burden him with something that only concerned you, so after a bit of deliberation, you settled with playing it off as an example instead.

"What if you've managed to save your life from a murderer that has made you its target? But at the cost of another one's life because instead of you being the one that was put to death, they are used as a replacement for a life that was pardoned?" Even after all that, he looked unimpressed witht your musings. 

"The hell?"

"Answer it if you want to, but you don't have to."

"Tsk, alright. If that was me, I wouldn't feel guilt at all. It's a fucking instinct of a human to survive, so why should I feel remorse for something that I couldn't control? Sure, I'd feel pity, but that's the end of it." His answer, much to your incredulity, made sense. 

Realizations after realizations piled up because of his answer. Why should you beat yourself up over something that wasn't in your control? It was totally out of your hands, so why should you feel so bad about it?

"Is that what happened to you?" You shook your head, best to not make him anymore suspicious of you since you'd already told him a pretty weird question. 

"Nah, just a comparison. I was accused of cheating in a test when actually, it was my seatmate who did it. So after some explanations and a few witnesses offering their help, the real culprit punished and the teacher was so serious in giving her a failing mark." That was believable enough, right?

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