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Three ㅡ Sunday.

"I know that baking isn't my forté but what the hell is this?" You glowered forlornly at the burnt cookies laying on the parchment paper attached to the stainless tray. Knew it. You shouldn't have even tried this in the first place when you were mindful of the reality that you were only capable of eating rather than actually making the dish.

"Don't look so down. You're only a beginner at this so I'm sure that you could make something edible soon with enough practice," Enki's lines of support made you feel worse since he, too, had expressed out loud that your baking wasn't safe for consumption. 

"I'm sure that they taste great!" He tried to cover up his earlier statement once he saw your sunken face by taking one of the... desserts, if you could even call it that, and popped them inside his mouth. You could see the building up of sweat on his temples and how he was making an attempt to ensure that his face didn't contort into something that would reveal what he was actually feeling. "They're so... deliㅡ" 


The sound of his head making contact with the counter of the kitchen. "Why did you even do that?" You gave him a glass of water quickly so that the contents of the abomination you've made could slide down his throat more easily. "Do not fret... I became like this because it was so scrumptious..." Lie. Though, you appreciated his assays in trying to make you feel better.

"That's so sweet of you but even 'I' wouldn't even dare to put this inside my mouth," you loured at the cookie you picked up as you inspected it. And for the love of gods, was it even possible for it to emit a sinister aura?

"Let's try this again, shall we?" Enki said between coughs. At this point, you just wanted to stop and give the whole thing up entirely, yet he was just so absorbed in making you believe that you could still improve.

And thus, the whole day was spent with Enki teaching you all of his knowledge when it came to Culinary Arts, but even then, you being a hopeless case couldn't ever be changed.
Twoㅡ Monday

"Thank you, Sir Driver Lance!" Enki bowed a full ninety degrees. Driver Lance just sheepishly chuckled before waving the kid off, "Sir, you're practically ranks higher than me so no need to do that."

"But Sirㅡ" While Enki was still bowing, you signed for your driver to quickly leave or else this conversation wouldn't end. Understanding what you were denoting, he nodded at you before going off on his merry way. "Huh? Where is he?" Enki's head swished from side to side as he searched for the man he was hitherto talking to. Patting his back, you redirected him towards the campus so that he'd just move on from that whole event, "He's in a better place now."

What miffed you was that as you two walked past the foyers, eyes were on you both and even if they tried to discreetly do it, their murmurings were just too obvious. 

"Oh! A loser and another loser being in a relationship, just as expected!" A girl with black locks protruded into view, along with her underlings and came that irritating high pitched laugh followed by those that were behind her. Just who was this lass? Oh. Now you remember it. 

Clementine Morris. If you could recall it, she was the daughter of a viscount. She also was so determined to bully our dear Enki, with the latter unable to fight back because he knew he wouldn't win against her. She would tamper on his textbooks, trip him in a crowded area, and even humiliate him in front of the masses. All the while being unabashed of the truth that her household is of a lower class than his. No one would even intervene because they wouldn't get anything out of it, so every time that something like that happened, they'd treat it as a form of amusement instead. You remembered that after reading the part of this bitㅡ girl getting massacred on the latter chapters of the book, you felt so much satisfaction it was incomprehensible. Even more when Enki was the one who did it after his agro overpowered his rational thinking.

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